Showing posts with label Relationship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Relationship. Show all posts

Saturday 16 December 2023

A Kiss-and-Tell: Navigating the Challenges of Trust in Intimate Relationships

In the world of relationships, trust forms the foundation upon which love, intimacy, and emotional connection are built. So, what happens when that trust is broken by a partner who engages in kiss-and-tell behavior, sharing intimate details with others? This issue, brought to the attention of our advice column, has prompted us to explore the challenges that arise from such situations and provide guidance on how to rebuild trust.

The Surprise of Kiss-and-Tell:

Discovering your partner has betrayed your trust by divulging intimate moments or personal information to others can be a devastating revelation. It is often a complete shock for the person on the receiving end, leaving them feeling exposed, hurt, and questioning the authenticity of the relationship they once cherished.

Understanding the Motivations:

People who engage in kiss-and-tell behavior may do so for various reasons, ranging from seeking validation or attention to sharing personal experiences inappropriately. It is essential to remember that this behavior is not indicative of the worthiness of the person on the receiving end. Instead, it highlights the lack of boundaries and emotional maturity on the part of the person who shared the information.

Rebuilding Trust:

Rebuilding trust after a breach caused by kiss-and-tell actions requires open communication, understanding, and shared commitment. Here are some steps to consider:

1. Express your feelings: Openly communicate your hurt, disappointment, and the impact of their actions. Ensure your partner understands the depth of the emotional pain caused by their breach of trust.

2. Set boundaries: Establish clear boundaries regarding what can and cannot be shared outside the relationship. This can help rebuild a sense of safety and ensure both partners respect each other's privacy.

3. Counseling or therapy: Seeking professional help, such as couples therapy, can provide a safe space for both partners to express their concerns and work on rebuilding trust under the guidance of an impartial expert.

4. Open and ongoing communication: Encouraging open dialogue between partners is crucial. Discuss your expectations, fears, and concerns honestly, allowing space for growth and healing.

5. Patience and time: Rebuilding trust takes time and patience. It requires consistent effort, empathy, and understanding from both partners to navigate through the healing process successfully.

Learning from the Experience:

While the betrayal created by kiss-and-tell behavior can be emotionally devastating, it can also present an opportunity for personal growth and reflection within the relationship. It prompts both partners to reevaluate their communication skills, level of trust, and emotional intelligence. From this experience, couples can learn the importance of respect, privacy, and boundaries.


Discovering that your partner is a kiss-and-tell individual can have devastating consequences for the trust and intimacy within a relationship. The journey towards rebuilding trust is challenging but not impossible. By fostering open communication, setting clear boundaries, seeking professional guidance, and investing time and patience into the healing process, couples can strive towards a relationship that is stronger, more resilient, and built on a foundation of trust.

Tuesday 24 October 2023

Church pastor takes own life following leaks on WhatsApp group

A pastor, Oscar Mukahanana, tragically ended his life after details of a sexual scandal were exposed on his church's WhatsApp group. Mukahanana, a reverend at the United Methodist Church's Harare East District in Zimbabwe, was involved in an extramarital affair with a female youth from the congregation.
The scandal escalated when an audio recording of Mukahanana engaging in the illicit activity with the woman was leaked and shared on the church's WhatsApp group. In the recording, he expressed his excitement about the encounter and mentioned that it took place before the woman's menstrual cycle.

As news of the scandal spread within the church, members began circulating the leaked conversation and mocking Mukahanana, even creating memes that ridiculed him as the District Superintendent.

Feeling deeply humiliated and embarrassed, Mukahanana was unable to bear the shame and took his own life on Friday.

The UMC Harare District issued a statement in response to the tragic incident, expressing their sorrow: "It is with great sadness that we inform you of the untimely death of our beloved District Superintendent, Rev Oscar Mukahanana of the Harare East District. The Office of the Bishop will communicate further developments and funeral arrangements. We kindly request the church to support the Mukahanana family through prayers during this difficult time."

Thursday 19 October 2023

Strategies for Coping with a Stingy Partner

Dealing with a stingy partner can be challenging and put a strain on a relationship. Financial issues are often a sensitive topic, and when one partner consistently displays a reluctance to share or contribute, it can lead to frustration and resentment. However, there are strategies that can help couples cope with this situation and maintain a healthy relationship. In this article, we will explore some effective ways to handle a stingy partner and foster understanding and harmony within the relationship.

1. Open and Honest Communication:

Effective communication is crucial in any relationship, especially when it comes to discussing financial matters. It's important to have an open and honest conversation with your partner about your feelings and concerns regarding their stinginess. Choose an appropriate time and approach the conversation with empathy and understanding. Express your needs and expectations, and listen to your partner's perspective as well. Finding common ground through communication can help bridge the gap and bring about positive changes.

2. Encourage Financial Independence:

If your partner's stinginess stems from a fear of being taken advantage of or a desire for control, encouraging financial independence can be a viable solution. If you have the means, encourage your partner to pursue their own source of income or engage in activities that can generate extra income. This can alleviate their concerns about constantly providing for the household expenses and allow them to feel more comfortable in sharing financial responsibilities.

3. Lead by Example:

Instead of resorting to resentment or retaliation, lead by example and demonstrate the behavior you wish to see in your partner. Show thoughtfulness and generosity towards them, and let them experience the joy of giving. This can help shift their perspective and encourage them to be more open and giving in return. Actions often speak louder than words, and by embodying the qualities you desire in your partner, you create a positive influence on their behavior.

4. Understand Your Partner's Perspective:

It's important to try and understand why your partner may be exhibiting stingy behavior. Some individuals may have grown up with limited resources or have had negative experiences in the past that shaped their attitudes towards money. By empathizing with their perspective, you can approach the issue with greater understanding and find solutions that address their underlying concerns. This understanding can help foster a more compassionate and supportive environment within the relationship.

5. Seek Professional Help:

If the issue persists and causes significant distress in your relationship, seeking the assistance of a relationship counselor or therapist can be beneficial. A professional can provide guidance and facilitate productive conversations between you and your partner. They can help uncover deeper issues and provide strategies to overcome them. Sometimes, an unbiased third party can offer valuable insights and help both partners navigate their financial dynamics in a healthier way.


Coping with a stingy partner requires patience, understanding, and effective communication. By implementing the strategies mentioned above, couples can work towards resolving financial conflicts and fostering a more harmonious relationship. Remember, it's essential to approach the issue with empathy and respect, keeping in mind that everyone has their own unique perspectives and experiences when it comes to money. With commitment and mutual effort, couples can find a middle ground that satisfies both partners' needs and strengthens their bond.

Saturday 14 October 2023

How does it feel to have an orgasm?

The experience of orgasm is a deeply personal and subjective one. It can be a source of confusion or uncertainty for individuals who are unsure if they have ever experienced it. In this article, we aim to shed some light on what an orgasm feels like while emphasizing that it is a unique and individualized sensation.

Defining Orgasm:
An orgasm is the peak of sexual pleasure, accompanied by intense physical and emotional sensations. It is often described as a release of sexual tension that brings about waves of pleasure and satisfaction. However, it is important to note that the experience of orgasm can vary from person to person.

Recognizing the Signs:
While there is no definitive template for what an orgasm should feel like, there are some common signs to look out for. Firstly, you may experience muscular contractions or spasms in the pelvic region, including the vagina and clitoris. These contractions can range from subtle to intense and may be accompanied by a feeling of tension release.

Secondly, sensations leading up to an orgasm typically build in intensity. You may feel a mounting wave of pleasure that reaches its peak before gradually subsiding. The climax is often described as a moment of intense release and pleasure.

Lastly, the overall experience of an orgasm should be enjoyable and fulfilling. It is a deeply pleasurable sensation that can leave you feeling physically and emotionally satisfied.

Individual Variations:
It is crucial to understand that the experience of orgasm is highly individualized. What may be true for one person may differ for another. Some individuals may experience multiple orgasms in quick succession, while others may have more subtle or less pronounced sensations. There is no right or wrong way to experience an orgasm, and the most important aspect is that it brings you pleasure and satisfaction.

Communication with Your Partner:
Your partner's eagerness to ensure you are experiencing orgasm together is well-intentioned but may stem from misconceptions about simultaneous climax. While simultaneous orgasms can be a thrilling experience for some couples, it is not the norm. Sexual pleasure and the timing of orgasms can vary between partners, and it is essential to communicate openly and honestly about your desires and experiences.

Exploring Your Own Pleasure:
Understanding your own body and exploring self-pleasure can be instrumental in discovering what brings you to orgasm. Take time to explore your body, experiment with different forms of stimulation, and pay attention to the sensations that feel pleasurable to you. By becoming acquainted with your own pleasure, you can guide your partner in understanding what brings you the most satisfaction.

The experience of orgasm is unique to each individual, and there is no one-size-fits-all description. It is a deeply personal sensation that manifests differently from person to person. Trust your own feelings and sensations, and remember that open communication with your partner is key. By understanding and embracing your own pleasure, you can embark on a journey of self-discovery and enhance your sexual experiences.

Navigating the Complexities of Infidelity: Exploring Different Perspectives

Infidelity is a topic that elicits strong emotions and raises questions about the nature of commitment and trust in relationships. In this article, we delve into the complexities of infidelity and explore different perspectives on its definition and implications.

The Spectrum of Marital Contracts:
Marriage and committed partnerships come in various forms, and each carries its own set of expectations and boundaries. Some couples embrace open relationships, where extramarital sexual encounters are permitted with mutual consent. Others may find themselves in unions where one partner lacks interest in sex, thereby allowing the other to seek sexual fulfillment elsewhere. However, the most common scenario seems to be the unspecified contract, where both partners claim monogamy but engage in secret extramarital affairs.

The Gray Area of Infidelity:
When one partner engages in extramarital intercourse without the intention of breaking up the marriage but purely for sexual gratification, questions arise about whether real infidelity has occurred. Conventionally, such actions are considered a breach of trust and fidelity. The betrayed spouse often experiences predictable reactions, driven by the implicit promise of monogamy in traditional marriages. Humiliation, fear, and confusion make it challenging for the transgressor to justify their actions as purely physical encounters rather than infidelity.

Expanding the Definition of Infidelity:
It is crucial to recognize that infidelity encompasses more than just sexual relations. Emotional infidelity, characterized by deep emotional connections formed outside the primary partnership, can also be considered a form of betrayal. It is often overlooked that infidelity can occur without sexual involvement. For example, a person may prioritize relationships with friends or colleagues over their spouse, leading to emotional detachment within the marriage. In such cases, the question arises: can these individuals be considered faithful?

Exploring Open Marriages:
The concept of open marriage has gained attention in recent years. It involves an agreement between partners that permits sexual relations with others while maintaining the primary partnership. The specifics of this arrangement, such as whether to disclose each extramarital relationship, are determined by mutual consent. Advocates argue that open marriages can enhance sexual expression within the primary partnership. However, critics contend that such arrangements erode trust and undermine the exclusive bond between two individuals.

The Importance of Communication and Trust:
Infidelity raises fundamental questions about trust and the emotional connection between partners. It is essential for couples facing the crisis of extramarital affairs to reflect on whether it is the act of sex itself or the breach of trust that lies at the heart of their concerns. Successful marriages rely on honesty and faith, and understanding each other's desires can help navigate the challenges of maintaining a committed relationship.

Infidelity is a complex and emotionally charged topic that defies easy categorization. Perspectives on infidelity vary, ranging from strict definitions rooted in monogamy to more open-minded approaches that acknowledge the nuances of human relationships. Ultimately, successful partnerships require open communication, trust, and a willingness to address and resolve issues surrounding fidelity. By fostering honesty and understanding, couples can navigate the complexities of infidelity and strengthen their bond of love.

Thursday 12 October 2023

Exploring the Duration of Engagement: How Long Should It Last?

Engagement is a significant milestone in a romantic relationship, marking the commitment of two individuals to spend their lives together. However, the question of how long an engagement should last remains a subject of debate among couples and experts. In this article, we delve into the various perspectives surrounding the duration of engagement, considering factors such as courtship, readiness for marriage, cultural norms, and personal preferences.

The Significance of Courtship:
Before couples embark on the journey of engagement, they often go through a phase of courtship. Courtship serves as a time for individuals to get to know each other, assess compatibility, and establish a strong foundation for their future together. The duration of courtship varies from couple to couple, as it depends on factors such as individual circumstances, personal beliefs, and cultural influences. Some couples may find that a shorter courtship is sufficient, while others may prefer a longer period of time to solidify their connection.

Understanding Engagement:
Engagement is the formal declaration of a couple's intention to marry. It is during this phase that families and close ones become involved, and preparations for the upcoming union begin. Traditionally, engagement is followed by various wedding ceremonies, including the introduction, traditional, court, and white weddings, depending on cultural practices and personal preferences.

Expert Opinions on Engagement Duration:
When it comes to the ideal duration of engagement, experts and psychologists offer different viewpoints. Prof. Benjamin Olley, a psychologist from the University of Ibadan, suggests that engagement should last no longer than a year. He emphasizes that engagement signifies readiness for marriage and that couples should use this period to adequately prepare for their new life together. While not advocating for a fixed timeline for courtship, he emphasizes that certain aspects of life, such as physiological, psychological, emotional, spiritual, and financial readiness, should be considered before entering into an engagement.

Personal Perspectives:
Individual experiences and opinions regarding engagement duration vary greatly. Ada Onasanya shares that she was engaged for about a year and a half before getting married. She believes that there shouldn't be a fixed period for engagement, as each couple's circumstances and goals are unique. On the other hand, Precious Ehiremen, who married four months after engagement, asserts that engagement should not last too long, suggesting a timeframe of four to five months. Similarly, bachelor Ebuka Okonkwo proposes a maximum engagement duration of six months, highlighting the importance of starting marriage plans promptly after engagement.

Considering Factors and Individual Choices:
While there is no definitive answer to how long an engagement should last, it is essential for couples to consider various factors and make choices that align with their values and circumstances. Financial stability, cultural traditions, family dynamics, and personal goals can all play a role in determining the duration of engagement. It is crucial for couples to engage in open and honest communication, discussing their expectations, desires, and concerns.

The duration of engagement is a subjective matter, influenced by a multitude of factors. While some experts suggest a maximum timeframe of one year, personal preferences and cultural norms may lead couples to opt for shorter or longer engagements. Ultimately, the decision should be based on the couple's readiness for marriage, their ability to meet the necessary preparations, and their shared goals. It is vital for couples to engage in open dialogue and make choices that best suit their unique circumstances, ensuring a solid foundation for their future union.

Tuesday 10 October 2023

Reviving the Spark in Your Marriage After Having Kids

Having children is a joyous and transformative experience in a couple's life. However, it is not uncommon for the arrival of children to significantly impact the dynamics of a marriage. The focus and attention that were once solely directed towards each other may now shift towards the little ones. This shift can sometimes cause couples to feel disconnected and lose the spark in their relationship. In this article, we will explore practical tips and strategies for reviving the spark in your marriage after having kids.

1. Prioritize Communication:

Effective communication is the foundation of any successful relationship. After having children, it becomes even more crucial to communicate openly and honestly with your partner. Make an effort to carve out dedicated time for meaningful conversations. Discuss your feelings, concerns, and desires with each other. Listening attentively and empathetically to your partner's perspective will foster a deeper understanding and strengthen your bond.

2. Rekindle Romance:

Romance often takes a backseat when the demands of parenting take center stage. It is essential to reignite the romantic flame in your relationship. Plan date nights or special activities that allow you to reconnect and enjoy each other's company. Surprise your partner with small gestures of love and affection. Engage in activities that you both enjoy and create new shared experiences that remind you of the love that brought you together.

3. Nurture Intimacy:

Intimacy is not solely about physical closeness but also about emotional connection. Find ways to nurture intimacy in your relationship. Set aside time for intimate moments, whether it's through cuddling, holding hands, or simply talking intimately. Physical affection and emotional intimacy can strengthen the bond between you and your partner, reigniting the spark in your marriage.

4. Share Responsibilities:

Parenting responsibilities can sometimes become overwhelming, leading to one partner feeling burdened or neglected. It is crucial to share the responsibilities of raising children. Divide tasks such as feeding, bathing, and bedtime routines to ensure both partners are actively involved. By sharing the load, you create opportunities for quality time together and alleviate the stress that can strain a relationship.

5. Keep the Romance Alive:

Maintain the romantic aspects of your relationship by continuing to express love and appreciation for each other. Use pet names, compliment each other, and show gratitude for the things your partner does. Small gestures of affection and kindness can go a long way in keeping the romance alive.

6. Take Time for Yourself:

As parents, it's easy to become consumed by the needs of your children, forgetting to prioritize self-care. Remember that taking care of yourself is essential for maintaining a healthy relationship. Set aside time for activities that bring you joy and rejuvenate your spirit. By nurturing your own well-being, you will be better equipped to nurture your relationship.


Having children is undoubtedly a life-altering experience, and it is natural for the dynamics of a marriage to change. However, with conscious effort and commitment, it is possible to revive the spark in your relationship after having kids. Prioritize communication, nurture intimacy, and make time for romance. Remember that a strong and fulfilling partnership is not only beneficial for you but also provides a stable and loving environment for your children to thrive.

Wednesday 4 October 2023

Handling Long Distance Relationships: Tips for Success and Happiness

Love knows no boundaries, and in today's digital age, long-distance relationships have become increasingly common. Whether it's due to work commitments, immigration, or personal circumstances, many couples find themselves navigating the challenges and joys of being in a long-distance relationship. In this article, we will explore some key tips and strategies for handling long-distance relationships effectively and ensuring their success.

1. Define Your Relationship Goals:
Before embarking on a long-distance relationship, it's essential to have a clear understanding of your goals as a couple. Are you in it for the long haul, with the ultimate goal of marriage and a future together? Or is it a temporary arrangement with an expiration date? Having honest and open communication about your expectations will set the foundation for a strong and resilient relationship.

2. Communication is Key:
Maintaining open and frequent communication is vital in any relationship, but it becomes even more critical in a long-distance setup. Make it a priority to connect regularly through phone calls, video chats, and text messages. Share your daily experiences, thoughts, and emotions with each other, and make an effort to actively listen and support one another. Regular communication helps bridge the physical distance and strengthens your emotional connection.

3. Build Trust:
Trust forms the bedrock of any successful relationship, and it becomes even more crucial in a long-distance scenario. Establish trust by being honest, transparent, and reliable in your interactions. Avoid keeping secrets or withholding information that may erode trust. Instead, foster an environment of openness and vulnerability, where both partners feel safe and secure in sharing their feelings and concerns.

4. Plan Visits and Create Shared Experiences:
Physical distance can take a toll on emotional intimacy, so it's essential to plan regular visits and create shared experiences whenever possible. Set aside dedicated time to be together in person, whether it's a weekend getaway, a vacation, or simply spending quality time in each other's company. These reunions will help strengthen your bond, create lasting memories, and provide something to look forward to during the periods of separation.

5. Embrace Technology:
Fortunately, we live in an era where technology can bridge the gap between two people miles apart. Take advantage of video calls, instant messaging, and social media platforms to stay connected throughout the day. Share photos, videos, and updates about your lives, and use technology creatively to create virtual dates or activities that you can enjoy together, such as watching a movie simultaneously or cooking the same meal while video chatting.

6. Cultivate Independence and Personal Growth:
While being in a long-distance relationship requires effort and commitment, it's also an opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery. Use this time apart to pursue your individual interests, hobbies, and goals. Cultivate independence and invest in self-care. By nurturing your own well-being and personal development, you'll bring a sense of fulfillment and happiness to the relationship, making you a better partner for your loved one.

7. Handle Conflict with Care:
Conflict is a natural part of any relationship, and long-distance couples are not exempt from it. However, resolving conflicts from a distance can be more challenging. When disagreements arise, approach them with empathy, understanding, and patience. Choose your words carefully and strive for effective communication. Avoid letting unresolved conflicts fester, as they can magnify the feelings of distance and strain the relationship.

8. Maintain Mutual Support:
Supporting each other's dreams, goals, and aspirations is crucial in a long-distance relationship. Celebrate each other's successes, provide encouragement during challenging times, and be a source of emotional support. Distance may limit physical presence, but it should never hinder the emotional support and encouragement that partners provide for each other.

9. Have a Plan for the Future:
Long-distance relationships work best when there is a shared vision for the future. Discuss your long-term plans and aspirations as a couple. Explore possibilities for closing the distance, whether it's through career changes, relocation, or immigration. Having a plan in place gives you both something to work towards and strengthens your commitment to the relationship.

In conclusion, while long-distance relationships may present unique challenges, they can also be incredibly rewarding and fulfilling. By prioritizing effective communication, trust, shared experiences, personal growth, and mutual support, you can navigate the distance and build a strong foundation for lasting love. With dedication, patience, and a positive mindset, your long-distance relationship can thrive and bring you closer together, even when miles apart.

Saturday 30 September 2023

How to Avoid Being Used in Relationships

In today's fast-paced and complex world, navigating relationships can be challenging. One common issue many individuals face is the fear of being used by their partners. Whether it's a romantic relationship or a friendship, feeling taken advantage of can lead to emotional distress and a loss of self-worth. In this article, we will explore some practical tips on how to avoid being used in relationships and maintain a healthy sense of self.

1. Trust Your Instincts:
One of the most important aspects of avoiding being used is trusting your instincts. If something feels off or your gut tells you that you are being taken advantage of, it's crucial to listen to those signals. Pay attention to red flags, inconsistencies in behavior, or instances where your needs and boundaries are repeatedly ignored. Trusting your instincts will help you recognize potentially toxic relationships and take necessary action.

2. Set Clear Boundaries:
Establishing clear boundaries is essential in any relationship. Clearly communicate your expectations, needs, and limits to your partner or friend. Be assertive and firm about what you're comfortable with and what you're not. Respect and enforce your boundaries consistently, even if it means saying "no" to certain requests or situations. Setting boundaries not only safeguards your well-being but also ensures that healthy and respectful dynamics are maintained.

3. Build Self-Confidence:
Developing self-confidence is a powerful tool in avoiding being used. When you have a strong sense of self-worth, you are less likely to tolerate being mistreated or taken advantage of. Focus on your strengths, accomplishments, and personal growth. Engage in activities that bring you joy and boost your self-esteem. Surround yourself with supportive and uplifting individuals who appreciate and value you for who you are.

4. Assess Reciprocity:
Reciprocity is a fundamental aspect of healthy relationships. Evaluate whether the give-and-take balance is equitable in your relationships. Are you the one constantly giving, while the other person only takes? Are your needs and desires being acknowledged and respected? It's important to be in relationships where both parties contribute and support each other. If you notice a significant lack of reciprocity, it may be time to reassess the relationship's dynamics.

5. Pay Attention to Actions:
Words can be deceiving, but actions reveal a person's true intentions. Pay attention to how your partner or friend treats you on a consistent basis. Do their actions align with their words? Are they supportive, considerate, and reliable? If someone consistently fails to follow through on their promises or consistently disregards your feelings, it might be an indication that they are using you. Surround yourself with individuals who demonstrate genuine care and respect.

Avoiding being used in relationships is essential for maintaining emotional well-being and fostering healthy connections. By trusting your instincts, setting clear boundaries, building self-confidence, assessing reciprocity, and paying attention to actions, you can protect yourself from being taken advantage of. Remember, you deserve to be in relationships that are mutually beneficial, respectful, and nurturing. Prioritize your own happiness and surround yourself with individuals who value and appreciate you for who you are.

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The devastating effects of horror movie The Wicker Man on a family

Five years after his father passed away, Justin Hardy received six crates filled with documents that had been stored in the attic of his family home in the Midlands for half a century. These documents included scripts, photos, storyboards, and personal letters related to a single film: The Wicker Man.

When the film was initially released in 1973, it was a failure. However, over time, it gained a cult following and was even hailed by Empire Magazine as "the Best British horror film ever made." A recent re-release of the movie received enthusiastic five-star reviews.

The film marked the directorial debut of Justin's father, Robin Hardy, who candidly stated that it "ruined" his family. The story is set on a fictional Scottish island and revolves around a devout Christian police officer named Edward Woodward, who investigates the disappearance of a local girl. He stumbles upon a community of pagan worshippers led by the charismatic Lord Summerisle, played by Christopher Lee.

The film was designed to unsettle the audience, featuring elements such as phallic sweets, child torture, striking scenery, and a shocking ending. Despite its eventual cult status, the studio that financed the film, British Lion, despised the final product. They considered it one of the worst movies ever made and refused to promote it. Even Christopher Lee, who portrayed Lord Summerisle, personally reached out to critics, urging them to attend screenings and offering to pay for their tickets.

The film initially flopped but later experienced a resurgence. Now, fifty years later, Justin and his brother Dominic are revisiting the reasons behind the film's initial failure and subsequent rise in popularity. Through their documentary, titled "Wickermania!," they aim to shed light on the chaotic and heartbreaking impact the film had on their family.

Before directing The Wicker Man, Robin had a successful career in advertising, and the family lived comfortably in Belgravia with Justin, his sister Arabella, and their mother Caroline. However, following the film's disastrous reception, Caroline, who had invested her money in the project, was burdened with debts, while Robin left for the United States in 1974. It was reported that upon his arrival in New York, the director slept on a bench in Central Park.

Before his departure, Robin visited Justin at school to say goodbye, giving him a Saint Christopher pendant as a symbol of protection during his travels. This departure left Justin with a sense of uncertainty, wondering when he would see his father again. Caroline eventually divorced Robin due to his absence and lack of communication. The family had to sell their London house and move to the Midlands. For the following four years, Justin believed his father was dead.

Justin reflects on this period, stating that it was a sad time for their family. He questions his father's abandonment and the lack of protection he provided, especially considering the burden Caroline faced and her subsequent decline into alcoholism, which led to her death from liver cirrhosis.

Five years after his disappearance, Robin returned to the UK to watch Justin perform in a play. He carried an article highlighting the film's success in San Francisco. Justin recalls the surprise encounter, with Robin introducing himself after Justin had finished his performance. Despite his initial feelings, Justin didn't confront his father but instead wanted to please him and ensure he wouldn't leave again. This dynamic persisted for several years.

Justin discovered that The Wicker Man received a more positive reception among universities and American film festivals, leading to its reevaluation and cult status. However, the damage inflicted on Robin's family was irreversible.

Robin went on to have eight children with six different women, often moving on when financial resources became scarce. One of these children was Dominic, who didn't have a significant relationship with his father until his mother brought him to the UK from Canada in 1969. Dominic recalls the mythic summer of 1970 when he met his half-siblings and spent time with Robin. This experience had a profound impact on him, and he sought out his siblings in adulthood to make up for lost time.

Dominic remembers Robin as a flamboyant, charming, and fascinating individual. However, Robin's health declined when Dominic was eleven due to a heart attack, which nearly took his life. This event marked a significant moment in their family's history. Robin started writing letters to his children, and it was believed that his filmmaking career was over due to the difficulty of obtaining insurance after a heart attack. Remarkably, Robin survived and completed the film, but the incident left a lasting impression on Dominic.

Fifty years later, Dominic and Justin stumbled upon a treasure trove of documents in the attic. Initially hesitant to delve into the past, they eventually decided to explore the contents of the crates. The letters they discovered, including correspondence from Christopher Lee and Peter Shaffer, provided unique insights into the making of an independent film. Despite the significance of this find, it brought about difficult emotions for the Hardy family.

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The Husband's Temptations: A Tale of Infidelity and Moral Dilemma

Infidelity is a topic that has plagued relationships for centuries, causing heartbreak and betrayal. In a world where temptation lurks at every corner, one man's story stands out as a testament to the complexities of human desires. The article delves into the account of a man named Jonathan, who found himself entangled in a web of sexual escapades and moral dilemmas. His experiences shed light on the delicate balance between fidelity and temptation.

The Allure of Forbidden Desires:
Jonathan, a married man of almost twenty years, had an insatiable appetite for sex that never ceased to amaze those who knew him. Despite being committed to his wife, he found himself drawn to the excitement of illicit encounters. It was during his wife's pregnancy with their second child that Jonathan stumbled upon a captivating woman at a party. The allure of this woman's beauty and her apparent interest in him led Ado astray from his marital vows.

A Night of Passion:
Driven by desire, Jonathan and the mysterious woman embarked on a clandestine rendezvous. They met in a hotel room, away from prying eyes, to indulge in a night of passion. Jonathan describes the experience as intoxicating, exploring sexual positions he never knew existed. The guilt of betraying his pregnant wife lingered, but it was overshadowed by the allure of this new encounter.

Moral Dilemmas and Regrets:
Jonathan's encounters with temptation did not end there. He later found himself lured by the charms of their new household maid, a young and attractive woman. Jonathan succumbed to his desires, engaging in secret trysts with her while his wife slept unaware. The moral dilemmas and consequences of his actions weighed heavily on his conscience. Jonathan questioned whether the maid was aware of his presence during their encounters, raising doubts about her complicity in their affair.

The Toll on Relationships:
Jonathan's story highlights the destructive nature of infidelity and the toll it takes on relationships. His wife, oblivious to his indiscretions, innocently welcomed him back into her arms, unaware of the thoughts that consumed him. The betrayal and emotional turmoil inflicted upon his spouse are evident, raising questions about the long-term effects of such actions on a marriage.

Lessons Learned:
Jonathan's tale serves as a cautionary reminder of the fragility of trust and the consequences of succumbing to temptation. It emphasizes the importance of open communication, loyalty, and commitment in a relationship. Jonathan's actions reveal the depths to which human desires can lead individuals astray, causing irreparable damage to their loved ones.

The story of Jonathan, the husband with a pants problem, sheds light on the complexities of human nature and the challenges of fidelity in the face of temptation. It serves as a stark reminder that the pursuit of momentary pleasure can have long-lasting repercussions on relationships and personal integrity. By examining Jonathan's experiences, we are reminded of the importance of moral responsibility, honesty, and the commitment required to maintain a healthy and loving partnership.

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Friday 29 September 2023

Will You Tell Your Friend His Wife Is Dating Your Boss?

Maintaining friendships and navigating complex relationships can often be a challenging endeavor. What happens when you find yourself in a situation where your friend's spouse is involved with your boss? Should you reveal this unsettling truth or keep it to yourself? This article delves into the moral dilemma faced by one individual and explores different perspectives on whether or not to disclose such a sensitive matter.

The Office Scandal:
In a scenario that could easily be mistaken for a scene from a soap opera, Frank, an employee, unwittingly stumbles upon his boss, Mr. Bruno, in a compromising situation with his best friend's wife. The shock and disbelief of this encounter leave Frank torn between loyalty to his friend and the potential consequences of exposing the affair. The incident raises the question of whether it is his place to intervene in his friend's marriage or maintain his silence.

Different Perspectives, Different Choices:
Opinions on how to handle such a delicate situation vary, reflecting the complexity of human relationships. Let's explore some contrasting viewpoints expressed by individuals who were asked to weigh in on the matter.

1. Soul E - The Observer:
Soul E, a musician, suggests that instead of directly informing his friend, he would create an opportunity for his friend to catch the unfaithful couple in the act. By allowing his friend to discover the truth firsthand, Soul E believes that the wife's infidelity will become undeniable, leaving the friend to make his own decision regarding the future of his marriage.

2. Leo Mezie - The Cautious Friend:
Leo Mezie, an actor, takes a different approach. He believes that it is his responsibility as a best friend to caution the wife before involving the friend. Leo emphasizes the importance of maintaining trust and being a watchful presence for his friend. However, he also asserts that if his job were threatened as a result of his actions, he would be prepared to defend himself.

3. Anthony Nwabugo - The Silent Supporter:
Anthony Nwabugo, a civil servant, advocates for non-interference, emphasizing the sacredness of marriage and the potential consequences of meddling in other people's affairs. Anthony believes that if his friend were meant to discover the truth, it would reveal itself naturally. He chooses to distance himself from the situation, allowing fate to take its course.

4. Ubong Justine - The Confrontationalist:
Ubong Justine, a businessman, takes an assertive stance. He declares that he would not hesitate to confront the wife directly, even resorting to physical force by slapping her. Ubong believes that his loyalty lies with his friend, and he would feel morally obligated to expose the affair to him, regardless of the potential consequences.

5. Dapo Johnson - The Covert Strategy:
Dapo Johnson suggests a strategic approach. He proposes gathering solid evidence by thoroughly investigating the affair and then arranging a meeting between his friend and the unfaithful couple. Dapo believes that witnessing the affair firsthand would be the most effective way to convince his friend of the truth without directly implicating himself.

The question of whether to inform a friend about their spouse's affair with one's boss is undoubtedly complex. Each perspective presented in this article reflects the diverse range of human responses to such situations. Ultimately, the decision lies with the individual faced with this moral dilemma. It is essential to consider the potential consequences, the strength of the friendship, and the values that guide one's actions. Regardless of the chosen course, honesty, empathy, and respect should remain at the core of any decision made in delicate matters of the heart.

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The Fun of Rekindling the Spark of an Old Flame!

By Candida

There is something undeniably exciting about rekindling a connection with an old flame. The memories, the shared history, and the curiosity about what could have been all come rushing back, creating a sense of adventure and possibility. Recently, I had the unexpected pleasure of running into Bolaji, someone I hadn't seen in over 15 years, and it turned out to be a delightful journey down memory lane.

Our story began years ago when Bolaji pursued me relentlessly. He wooed me with dinners, fancy presents, and long, amusing conversations. Eventually, we became lovers. At that time, I had just left my husband and was nursing a broken heart, while Bolaji had reappeared in my life after a period of wondering where he had been. Life couldn't have been better.

However, our romance took an unexpected turn when my ex-husband, whom I refer to as CTB, showed up while Bolaji was visiting my flat. Bolaji, sensing the tension, made a swift exit, leaving me bewildered. It turned out that CTB was Bolaji's chairman in a political party's committee, and Bolaji didn't want any trouble with him. As a result, he distanced himself from me.

Months passed without any contact between us until one Sunday, I bumped into Bolaji at a filling station. I was furious with him for disappearing without a word, and I confronted him. To my surprise, he didn't seem guilty or remorseful. Instead, he explained that he had recognized CTB as his chairman and financial supporter when he visited my place. Fearing potential conflict, he chose to stay away. That encounter marked the last time I saw him until our recent reunion on a plane bound for Britain.

Travelling together proved to be a joyous experience. Bolaji shared that his first grandchild was going to be christened the next day and insisted that I attend. He had booked a service flat for himself, as he had fathered the child before getting married. After exchanging phone numbers, we parted ways temporarily.

The following day, Bolaji guided me over the phone to the venue of the naming ceremony. He even paid for the cab that brought me there. As the day progressed, it felt like we were on a first date all over again. The connection between us was undeniable, and I found myself enjoying his company more and more.

In a surprising turn of events, Bolaji offered to join me on a weekend trip to visit a friend outside London. He arranged his own accommodation at a bed and breakfast, and we had a wonderful time together. My friend was astounded when she saw him, and thanks to Bolaji's generosity, I didn't have to worry about expenses during the trip. He even treated my friend's family to an extravagant dinner on our last evening.

When we returned to London, I decided to stay with Bolaji. The week we spent together was nothing short of amazing. He discreetly asked if I was still seeing CTB, and although I confirmed that I was, he seemed a bit disappointed. We both understood that crossing paths with CTB would complicate things, so we chose not to pursue a romantic relationship.

During my time with Bolaji, I witnessed his busy social life in Lagos. His phone constantly rang, and he had commitments and responsibilities that kept him occupied. Nevertheless, he made me feel like a priority, devoting his attention to our time together. At the end of his visit, his daughter, who seemed to enjoy my company, brought in foodstuff to stock the flat.

I agreed to stay in the flat until Bolaji's lease ran out, and my friends were more than happy to help me finish the leftover food and drinks. The remainder of my holiday was filled with tidbits of news from Nigeria, which proved to be more interesting than the mundane stories on the news networks. It appeared that Nigerian parties had lost some of their previous extravagance, possibly due to the economic downturn or the passage of time.

As I prepared to explore the city with old friends, I pondered whether we still had the ability to create the same excitement and shake things up as we did in the past. With Maggie, an old Irish classmate, and a few others by my side, we embarked on a journey to revisit the scenes of our youthful adventures.

Rekindling the spark of an old flame can be a thrilling and nostalgic experience. It allows us to rediscover the bonds we once shared and explore the possibilities of what could have been. While the circumstances may not always align for a romantic reunion, the joy of reconnecting and reliving cherished memories is a treasure in itself.

Exploring the Factors Behind the Upsurge in Commercial Sex Trade

The commercial sex trade has been a subject of intense scrutiny and debate, raising questions about its causes and those responsible for its upsurge. In this article, we delve into the viewpoints of notable Nigerians as featured in a Vanguard News article from July 2009, titled "Who do you blame for the upsurge in commercial sex trade?" By examining their perspectives, we aim to shed light on the multifaceted factors contributing to this issue.

Blaming the Government:

One prominent viewpoint expressed by Nkem Owoh, an actor, is that the government shoulders a significant portion of the blame. Owoh criticizes the government for its alleged misappropriation and embezzlement of the nation's resources. He argues that the prevalence of corruption and the lack of job opportunities have pushed many individuals into the commercial sex trade as a means of survival. Owoh emphasizes the need for the government to prioritize job creation and utilize Nigeria's natural resources to improve the lives of its citizens.

The Role of Parenting:

Ngozi Ezeonu, an actress, places blame on the parents of those involved in the sex trade. She argues that proper upbringing and guidance from parents can prevent their children from resorting to prostitution. Ezeonu suggests that instilling the right values and moral principles can equip individuals with the resilience to resist societal pressures and make alternative choices.

Individual Responsibility:

Kate Effiong, another actress, attributes the blame primarily to the individuals engaged in prostitution. She highlights that poverty cannot be solely blamed for the involvement in the sex trade, as there are people facing financial difficulties who do not opt for this profession. Effiong argues that personal choices, lack of self-discipline, and a society that often disregards moral values contribute to the prevalence of commercial sex work.

Societal Factors:

Wale Adekunle, a computer analyst, emphasizes that societal factors play a significant role in the upsurge of the commercial sex trade. He criticizes the shortcomings of the Nigerian society, including inadequate support for education and the absence of essential amenities. Adekunle stresses the importance of addressing these societal issues to create an environment that fosters the well-being and opportunities for its youth.

Government Responsibility and Empowerment:

Timi Dakolo, a musician, acknowledges the individual's responsibility but highlights the role of the government in creating a conducive environment for the Nigerian youth. He argues that the lack of job opportunities, coupled with the absence of necessary infrastructure like reliable electricity, pushes individuals towards the sex trade. Dakolo calls for the government to prioritize job creation and provide the necessary amenities to discourage the desperation that leads to prostitution.


The upsurge in commercial sex trade is a complex issue with various contributing factors. While opinions differ on who should be held responsible, it is evident that a combination of government policies, societal factors, individual choices, and parenting play significant roles. Addressing the root causes of poverty, corruption, unemployment, and moral decay is crucial in tackling this issue effectively. By creating a supportive and empowering environment, we can strive towards a society where individuals have viable alternatives and are not compelled to engage in the commercial sex trade.

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When Your Parents Can't Stay Off Booze: Navigating the Challenges

Alcoholism can have a profound impact on families, and when it's your parents who struggle with this addiction, the situation becomes even more complex. Dealing with alcoholic parents can be emotionally challenging and can have long-lasting effects on children. In this article, we will explore the experiences of individuals who have faced this situation and discuss potential strategies for coping and finding support.

Understanding the Struggle:

Susan, a medical doctor, shares her personal story of growing up with an alcoholic mother. She recounts the heart-wrenching decision she had to make when her mother's drinking began to interfere with her own life. Despite her mother's love for alcohol, Susan made the difficult choice to exclude her from her wedding to protect the sanctity of the occasion. Susan's experience highlights the profound impact alcoholism can have on family dynamics and the tough decisions that must be made.

Mide's story sheds light on the challenges faced by spouses of alcoholics. Mide's husband, Alan, was a successful professional whose drinking escalated over time. Mide struggled to monitor his alcohol consumption and witnessed the detrimental effects on their relationship. She describes the difficulties of trying to make life easier for an alcoholic, even in the face of their destructive behavior.

The Dilemma:

When faced with alcoholic parents, individuals often grapple with conflicting emotions and responsibilities. On one hand, there is a sense of love, loyalty, and a desire to support and care for one's parents. On the other hand, there is the need to protect oneself from the negative consequences of their addiction. It is crucial to recognize that enabling an alcoholic can perpetuate their destructive behavior and hinder their recovery.

Seeking Support:

Finding support is essential when dealing with alcoholic parents. Support can come in the form of professional counseling, therapy, or support groups such as Al-Anon, which provides guidance and understanding to family members of alcoholics. These resources offer a safe space to share experiences, gain insights, and develop coping strategies.

Communication and Setting Boundaries:

Open and honest communication is vital when addressing the issue of alcoholism with your parents. Express your concerns, emotions, and the impact their drinking has on you and the family. Setting clear boundaries is also crucial, as it establishes expectations and consequences if those boundaries are crossed. However, it is essential to approach these conversations with empathy and understanding, as addiction is a complex and challenging issue.

Taking Care of Yourself:

Coping with alcoholic parents can be emotionally draining. It is crucial to prioritize self-care and seek emotional support for yourself. Engage in activities that bring you joy and provide a respite from the challenges at home. Surround yourself with a support network of friends, family, or professionals who can offer guidance, encouragement, and a listening ear.


Living with alcoholic parents presents unique challenges that require delicate navigation. The stories of Susan and Mide shed light on the complexities and emotional impact of this situation. While there are no easy solutions, seeking support, setting boundaries, and prioritizing self-care can provide a foundation for coping and finding strength. Remember, you are not alone, and there are resources available to help you navigate this difficult journey.

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Overcoming Hearsay: A Path to Healthy Relationships

In a world filled with rumors, gossip, and external influences, maintaining a healthy and strong relationship can be a daunting task. However, renowned marriage therapist and influencer, Oladejo Oluwatosin, also known as Abobbysneh, is shedding light on the detrimental effects of hearsay and offering guidance to couples on how to overcome it. Through her expertise and passion for empowering couples, Oluwatosin advocates for open communication, active listening, and the creation of a safe space for honest conversations as the key to fostering healthy relationships.

The Power of Truth:

Oluwatosin's journey into the field of marriage therapy stems from her unwavering dedication to speaking the truth. Her personal experiences and challenges have fueled her desire to help others navigate the complexities of relationships. As the founder of AB Wines, a thriving wine business in Lagos, Oluwatosin has become a respected figure in her community, known for her honesty and integrity.

The Impact of Hearsay:

Hearsay, defined as information received from other people rather than firsthand knowledge, can have detrimental effects on relationships. Oluwatosin emphasizes that married couples should resist the urge to listen to hearsay, as it has the potential to destroy their homes. Such information often leads to unnecessary tension, mistrust, and conflict between partners.

The Role of Communication:

To counter the negative impact of hearsay, Oluwatosin urges couples to prioritize open communication. By fostering an environment where both partners feel safe expressing their thoughts and emotions, couples can build a solid foundation for their relationship. Active listening and understanding each other's perspectives are essential components of effective communication.

Avoiding External Influences:

One of the challenges Oluwatosin frequently encounters in her practice is the reliance on information from friends, family, and social media. While seeking advice or support is important, it is crucial to filter through external influences and discern what is accurate and helpful for the relationship. Direct communication between partners should take precedence over third-party opinions.

Building Trust and Intimacy:

Overcoming hearsay and fostering healthy relationships require a deep sense of trust and intimacy. Oluwatosin encourages couples to cultivate trust by being consistent, honest, and transparent with one another. By nurturing emotional intimacy through open dialogue and vulnerability, partners can create a strong bond that withstands the challenges brought by external influences.


In a world where hearsay and external influences can easily infiltrate relationships, it is vital for couples to remain vigilant and focused on building healthy connections. Oladejo Oluwatosin's expertise as a marriage therapist emphasizes the importance of open communication, active listening, and resisting the impact of hearsay. By prioritizing truth, trust, and intimate conversations, couples can overcome challenges, strengthen their bond, and create a solid foundation for a lasting and fulfilling relationship.

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Thursday 28 September 2023

The Detrimental Effects of Mobile Phones on Relationships

In this digital age, mobile phones have become an integral part of our lives. They have revolutionized the way we communicate and connect with others. However, as much as they have brought convenience and accessibility, it is essential to acknowledge that mobile phones can also have detrimental effects on our relationships. This article explores the potential negative impact of mobile phones on relationships and offers insights into maintaining a healthy balance in the digital era.

The Temptation of Texting:
With the rise of instant messaging and social media platforms, texting has become a prevalent mode of communication. While it allows for quick and convenient interaction, it can also lead to misunderstandings and miscommunications. Texting lacks the nuances of face-to-face conversations, such as tone of voice and body language, which can be crucial for understanding emotions and intentions accurately. Moreover, the constant availability of messaging apps can create a sense of obligation to respond promptly, leading to distractions and neglecting quality time with our partners.

Invasion of Privacy:
Mobile phones hold a wealth of personal information, including text messages, call logs, and social media accounts. In relationships, this can sometimes lead to trust issues and invasion of privacy. Suspicion and jealousy can arise when one partner feels the need to monitor the other's phone activities. The ease of access to personal messages and social media interactions can fuel insecurities and erode trust within a relationship.

Digital Infidelity:
One of the most significant concerns in the digital age is the rise of digital infidelity. The anonymity and convenience provided by mobile phones have made it easier for individuals to engage in emotional or even physical affairs outside of their committed relationships. Private messaging apps and social media platforms can become breeding grounds for secrecy and betrayal, leading to emotional turmoil and the breakdown of trust between partners.

Neglected Quality Time:
The constant presence of mobile phones can disrupt quality time spent with loved ones. Whether it's checking social media notifications during dinner or focusing on the screen instead of engaging in meaningful conversations, mobile phones can divert attention and create a sense of disconnection within relationships. It is crucial to establish boundaries and designated phone-free zones to prioritize real-life interactions and strengthen the emotional bond between partners.

Strategies for Maintaining a Healthy Balance:
While mobile phones can pose challenges to relationships, there are strategies couples can employ to maintain a healthy balance:

1. Establish Open Communication: Talk openly with your partner about your concerns regarding mobile phone usage and set boundaries that work for both of you. Discuss the importance of quality time and undivided attention.

2. Designated Phone-Free Time: Dedicate specific times or activities where mobile phones are put aside to focus solely on each other. This could be during meals, date nights, or before bedtime.

3. Practice Trust and Transparency: Build trust by being open and honest with each other about your digital interactions. Avoid secretive behavior and respect each other's privacy.

4. Engage in Shared Activities: Find activities that both partners enjoy and actively participate in them together. This can strengthen the emotional connection and reduce the reliance on mobile phones for entertainment.

5. Disconnect to Reconnect: Take occasional breaks from mobile phone usage, such as digital detox weekends or vacations, to reconnect with each other without distractions.

Mobile phones undoubtedly bring numerous benefits to our lives, but it is crucial to recognize their potential negative impact on relationships. By being mindful of our mobile phone usage, establishing open communication, and prioritizing quality time, we can maintain healthy and fulfilling relationships in the digital era. Striking a balance between our virtual and real-life interactions is key to fostering strong, meaningful connections with our loved ones.

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The Harsh Reality of Believing His Promise to Leave His Wife for You

Entering into a relationship with a married man is a decision that often leads to heartache and disappointment. Despite their promises to leave their wives, these men often remain emotionally attached to their marital commitments. The story of Felicia, a woman who believed in her lover's promise to marry her, serves as a stark reminder of the harsh reality faced by those who find themselves entangled in such affairs.

The Illusion of Change:
Desperate for companionship, some women settle for married men in the hope that these men will change for them. However, the truth is that men's emotions and behaviors often remain unchanged, regardless of the circumstances. They may paint a picture of an unhappy marriage, separate bedrooms, or other arrangements, but when it comes down to it, they often return to their wives, even if it is just to fulfill their marital duties.

Guilt and Emotional Attachment:
Married men who engage in extramarital affairs often experience guilt, which strengthens their emotional bond with their wives. The more emotionally satisfying the affair becomes, the more guilt they feel towards their wives. Felicia, who spent over 15 years with her married lover, experienced this firsthand. Despite their deep connection and plans for a future together after his mother's passing, he ultimately chose to remain with his wife, leaving Felicia heartbroken and feeling shut out.

The Emotional Toll:
Being involved with a married man takes a significant emotional toll on the other woman. The constant fear of being discovered, the shame and embarrassment of lying to loved ones, and the pain of knowing that the man you love is still committed to his wife can lead to feelings of despair and self-doubt. Even celebrities, with their wealth and fame, have found themselves caught in similar situations, only to face painful endings to their relationships.

Changing Dynamics:
In the past, wives who discovered their husbands' infidelity often vented their anger and hurt publicly. However, the dynamics have shifted in recent times. Many wives now choose to patiently endure their husbands' affairs, playing the role of the wronged spouse in the hope that their partners will learn from their mistakes and promise never to repeat them. While they wait, these wives are not simply weeping into their pillows; they often find ways to maintain their dignity and protect their own interests.

Lessons Learned:
Felicia's story serves as a cautionary tale for anyone considering a relationship with a married individual. It highlights the importance of understanding that men, in general, are unlikely to change their emotional attachments easily. It is crucial to recognize the potential pain and heartbreak that can result from pursuing such affairs, and to prioritize one's emotional well-being and self-respect.

Believing a married man's promise to leave his wife for you is a risky and often futile endeavor. The emotional attachment and guilt that bind these men to their wives make it challenging for them to follow through on their words. Women who find themselves in such relationships must consider their own well-being and make choices that prioritize their emotional health and self-respect. Ultimately, it is essential to seek out relationships based on honesty, trust, and mutual commitment, rather than settling for unfulfilled promises.

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Wednesday 27 September 2023

The Dark Side of Trust: A Harrowing Tale of Deception, Assault, and Survival

In a world where trust is often extended to acquaintances and colleagues, a chilling incident serves as a stark reminder of the dangers lurking beneath the surface. This is the horrifying story of a woman who, lured by the promise of work, fell victim to a heinous crime. Her encounter with a man who manipulated her trust turned her life upside down and shattered her sense of security. This disturbing incident sheds light on the importance of vigilance and the urgent need for societal change.

The Illusion of Trust:

The victim, whose identity remains concealed, was an ambitious trader seeking a livelihood for herself and her two children. Her journey took an unexpected turn when she discovered her talent for tying geles and applying makeup. This newfound skill became her ticket to events where she could earn a living. Little did she know that her trust in a man named Lukman would lead her down a path of unimaginable horror.

Lukman: The Facade of a Helper:

Lukman presented himself as a middleman, connecting the victim and her colleagues with potential clients. He seemed like a reliable figure, knowledgeable about event locations and clientele. As the victim recounts, Lukman would call her and others to various venues, where they would provide their services. In return, they would pay him a percentage of their earnings. This arrangement appeared to be a mutually beneficial business partnership, until it took a dark turn.

The Deceptive Invitation:

One fateful day, Lukman called the victim to a supposed event in Lekki, a bustling area known for its social gatherings. Excited about the opportunity to earn a substantial income, she arrived at the designated location. However, to her shock, there was no event taking place. Lukman's true intentions began to unravel as he directed her to a secluded area near the lagoon.

Betrayal and Assault:

In an instant, the victim's world turned into a nightmare. Lukman, a man three times her size, grabbed her forcefully and threatened her life. Overwhelmed with fear and desperation, she pleaded with him, revealing her status as a mother to two children. Yet, her pleas fell on deaf ears as he callously violated her, leaving her traumatized and devastated.

The Aftermath:

The victim's despair deepened when Lukman robbed her of her hard-earned money. Stripped of her dignity and financial resources, she faced the grim reality of providing for her children. The emotional scars inflicted by the harrowing ordeal were indelible, haunting her even in her dreams. She grappled with the decision of whether to report the incident to the authorities, fearing blame and judgment.

A Call for Change:

This disturbing incident raises important questions about the safety and protection of vulnerable individuals who rely on their skills to make a living. It exposes the urgent need for stronger safeguards, both within communities and in the legal system, to ensure the well-being of those who put their trust in others. Victim-blaming and societal stigmatization must be replaced with empathy, support, and justice.


The story of this courageous survivor serves as a chilling reminder of the dangers that can lurk behind the facade of trust. It underscores the critical importance of vigilance, self-defense education, and community awareness. Let us strive for a society where individuals can pursue their livelihoods without fear, where perpetrators of such heinous acts are swiftly brought to justice, and where victims are given the support they need to heal and rebuild their lives.

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The Role of Parents in Choosing a Life Partner: A Delicate Balancing Act

The decision to choose a life partner is one of the most significant choices we make in our lives. It affects our happiness, well-being, and the course of our future. In many cultures, including Nigeria, the question arises: Can parents decide your choice of a spouse? This topic has sparked numerous debates and discussions, highlighting the delicate balancing act between parental guidance and individual autonomy.

Tradition and Changing Perspectives:
In the past, the choice of a marital partner was heavily influenced by tradition, with parents playing a central role. However, as societal norms evolve, young people today often prefer to take the plunge into marriage on their own terms. They value their independence and the freedom to make their own decisions regarding matters of the heart.

The Responsibility of Parents:
While parents may not have the right to choose whom their children marry, they do have a responsibility to guide and advise them. Parents bring a wealth of experience and wisdom gained from their own marital journeys. They can offer valuable insights and help their children avoid potential pitfalls. It is crucial for parents to strike a balance between respecting their children's autonomy and offering guidance based on their own life lessons.

The Importance of Open Communication:
Effective communication between parents and their adult children is paramount in navigating the issue of choosing a life partner. Parents should create a supportive environment where open discussions can take place. By actively listening to their children's perspectives and desires, parents can better understand their aspirations and motivations. Likewise, children should be willing to consider their parents' advice and learn from their experiences.

Making an Informed Decision:
Parents can provide valuable insights into qualities to look for in a life partner. They may identify red flags or potential compatibility issues that their children might overlook in the initial stages of a relationship. However, it is crucial for children to remember that the final decision rests with them. They must assess their own compatibility, shared values, and emotional connection with a potential spouse.

Respecting Individual Happiness:
Parents should prioritize their children's happiness above societal expectations, social status, or material gain. Their role should be to support their children's emotional well-being and long-term fulfillment. It is essential for parents to recognize that their children's happiness and personal growth should be the ultimate goal, even if it means accepting a partner from a different background or tribe.

The Evolving Landscape:
In modern times, factors such as tribal sentiments and religious differences should not be sole determinants in choosing a life partner. Love, understanding, shared values, and compatible personalities are more vital ingredients for a successful marriage. Young individuals must be empowered to follow their hearts and make informed decisions that align with their own aspirations and happiness.

The question of whether parents can decide their children's choice of a spouse is a complex one. While parents have a responsibility to guide and advise, the final decision rests with the individuals entering into the marital union. Open communication, mutual respect, and a balance between tradition and individual autonomy are crucial in navigating this delicate territory. Ultimately, the happiness and well-being of the individuals involved should be the guiding principle in choosing a life partner.

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