Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Feast your eyes on the ugliest animals in the world

The aye-aye (Daubentonia madagascariensis) is a nocturnal lemur that has an unusually long middle finger. It eats grubs that hide beneath the bark of trees. It taps on the wood to find them, then chews through the wood and uses its middle finger to extract them.

Condylura cristata is a small Canadian star-nosed mole. It has bizarre tentacle-like organs sprouting from its face. They are covered with extremely sensitive receptors, which the mole uses to find its way around.

Chlamydoselachus anguineus is a rare shark that lives in the deep sea. Its unusually wide jaws allow it to swallow large prey whole.

This unidentified Linophrynespecies is an anglerfish. It uses a lure to help catch its prey.

Also known as the hairy frogfish, the striated frogfish (Antennarius striatus) is an expert at camouflage. It uses a "rod and lure" to attract prey.

The illuminated netdevil (Linophryne arborifera) is another species of anglerfish. In this group, males are much smaller than females and attach themselves permanently to the female's body.

Source: BBC NEWS

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