Wednesday 12 July 2017

Donald Trump says he gets along ‘very, very well’ with Putin

US President Donald Trump said in an interview Wednesday that he has a good relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin, after the two met for more than two hours in Hamburg last week.

“ People said , ‘ Oh, they shouldn ’ t get along. ’ Well , who are the people that are saying that ? I think we get along very, very well ,” Trump told evangelical Christian leader Pat Robertson on the Christian Broadcasting Network .
“ We are a tremendously powerful nuclear power , and so are they. It doesn ’t make sense not to have some kind of a relationship ,” Trump said .
Trump , who has come under criticism for his reluctance to criticize Putin directly over Russia’ s meddling in US elections last year, said the two had an “ excellent meeting ” on the sidelines of the G 20 summit last Friday.
“ One thing we did is we had a ceasefire in a major part of Syria where there was tremendous bedlam and tremendous killing ,” he told Robertson , according to a partial transcript released by CBN.

“ The ceasefire has held for four days… . That ’s because President Putin and President Trump made the deal, and it ’s held. ”
Trump said that he felt Putin would have preferred Hillary Clinton win last year’ s election — even though US intelligence says the Russian leader directed a covert effort to help defeat the Democrat .

“ We are the most powerful country in the world and we are getting more and more powerful because I’ m a big military person . As an example, if Hillary had won , our military would be decimated, ” Trump said .
“ That’ s why I say, why would he want me? Because from day one I wanted a strong military , he doesn ’t want to see that . ”

Source: punchng

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