Thursday, 14 September 2017

Trump attacks Clinton, calls her “crooked” Published

US President Donald Trump has attacked
Hillary Clinton, his opponent in the 2016
presidential election over her new book and
her recent public appearances where she made
comments about the election.
Trump in a couple of tweets described Clinton
as a “crooked” person who blames everybody
and everything except herself, for her election
The president who tweeted shortly before 11
p.m. on Wednesday said Clinton lost the
election debates and lost her direction.
The president followed that up with a second
tweet a few minutes later.

closed by
“The ‘deplorables’ came back to haunt Hillary.
They expressed their feelings loud and clear.
She spent big money but, in the end, had no
game!” the president wrote.

Earlier Wednesday, Clinton reacted to remarks
by White House press secretary Sarah
Huckabee Sanders, after Sanders recently
appeared on ABC’s “The View” and described
Clinton’s book tour – promoting “What
Happened,” Clinton’s account of her election
defeat – as “sad.”

“I honestly don’t pay much attention to what
she says,” Clinton said of Sanders.
Clinton’s publicity tour, coinciding with the
book’s release, has included appearances on
TV and news shows, and at bookstore signing

According to the Washington Examiner,
readers have not been impressed with the
book, calling it “complete garbage,” an
“overrated piece of fiction,” and “hastily
slapped together.”

Source: punchng

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