Wednesday, 3 January 2018

Seven effective ways to make money on Twitter

There are many ways to make money
online , though not all of them are created
equal. With Twitter , however, there are
more opportunities than ever to generate
some extra income .
According to Lifehack, some people have
even made careers out of the money they
make on Twitter, but you don’ t have to be
a social media wunderkind in order to
mimic their success . All it takes is some
creativity and the ambition to carry it

1 . Crowdsource

Crowdsourcing is the practice of soliciting
ideas and contributions from a large
group or community. It has been a
marketing darling for years , especially
when it comes to social media .

With Twitter, crowdsourcing is an
effective way to bring in contributions
from your followers ( new and old ) in
order to fund your business or idea . This
is especially useful in tandem with
something like Kickstarter .
Crowdsourcing can make you plenty of
money, or at least capital, but only if it is
done correctly . Read up on plenty of
successful case studies before attempting
to start your first project .

2 . Sell products

This seems like a no -brainer , but some
businesses actually forget that people
won ’t buy anything if they don’t see a
call to action .
Now , when it comes to “ how ” you sell
products on Twitter , the conversation
becomes a little more old school . One of
the most effective strategies is to use
promotions and discounts to spur
Some businesses have found plenty of
success in “ daily deals” and other basic
marketing practices that fit well with
Twitter . Just make sure that you ’re not
overwhelming your Twitter feed with
pushy selling.

3 . Produce your own Twitter -
related service

Your audience is on Twitter , which
means you already know what they are
using in their free time. Take advantage
of this by creating a Twitter product that
they will want.
For example, a lot of Twitter users would
like to use an app that lets them generate
hashtags automatically, based on
popularity . Something like this may exist
already , but you can develop a better
product that your followers will love you
for .
Alternatively, you can use websites like
Fiverr to charge people for building their
Twitter presence.

4 . Use sponsored tweets

Did you know you could actually charge
businesses for your tweets ? On sponsored
tweets , you can find sponsors who will
pay you to tweet about their products for
a fee you arrange .
Just make sure that you watch what you
tweet on the side . There are ample people
who ’ve been fired for what they tweet ,
and the same goes for losing a
relationship with a sponsor .

5 . Discover new leads

Thanks to Twitter ’s fantastic search
engine tool, you can seek out potential
customers based on their bios and what
they are tweeting.
Let ’s say you sell skateboards . You can
find new leads by searching for terms
like “Need a new skateboard” or “ Wish I
had a skateboard like this.” From there,
you can tweet at the individual and let
them know of a promotion you are doing
on skateboards. You could even offer
them a coupon code if they are interested.

6 . Hold a Twitter contest

Nothing engages people quite as
efficiently as a prize. Try linking up with
a local business who wants some
publicity . Offer to hold a contest with
Twitter and be paid a percentage of the
sales that come in.
There are a lot of fun and creative ways
to make a contest enticing for followers .
You can ask them to be judges , crowd
source them for ideas, or simply ask them
to favourite/ retweet something.

7 . Use YouTube

If you are perceptive with videos , then
consider making Twitter- related tutorials
that people are searching for on Twitter .
With AdSense, you can monetise your
YouTube content and make plenty of
money based solely on your Twitter
expertise .

Source: punchng

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