Monday, 20 July 2020


CHANGE ANDROID IMEI TO BLACKBERRY IMEI USING YOUR ANDROID PHONE(with out computer) To change your android imei to blackberry imei, flow these steps:
  • Download root master through google >install it>tap root to root your phone first.but you can skip this step if you phone has been rooted already
  • Download BBGEN.apk from google>install it>tap generate blackberry imei to generate blackberry imei>copy the code generated into a seperate place.
  • Download mobile uncle.apk from google.>install it
  • open or lunch your mobile uncle>Engineer mode>Engineer mode(mtk)>at the top you will see telephony, conectivity but tap conectivity>tap CDS information>tap radio information>tap phone 1 or phone2 but if phone 2 follow next step>where you see AT+ add this code EGMR=1,7,"input the bb generated code here">tap SEND INFORMATION command>reboot your phone and that is all. but if it is phone 2 let the code to be added to AT+ be EGMR=1,10,"bb generated code" and then reboot your phone and that is all.

i will advise that you should write down your android phone IMEI in a secure place paradventure you want to change it back to android IMEI

To make use of glo blackberry plan make your APN to be "" and then subscribe for any of the glo bb plan and that is all

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