Sunday, 3 September 2023

Hospitals accused of removing a boy's intestine

According to a report by Punch on September 3rd, 2023, Abiodun's son was referred to LASUTH on June 17th after experiencing complications from surgery at Obitoks Hospital. The referral was due to an intestinal obstruction with a perforated viscus, which occurs when something blocks the intestine and hampers the movement of food and stool.

An intestinal obstruction, as described by Johns Hopkins Medicine, is when there is a blockage in the intestine, leading to restricted movement of food and stool.

A perforated viscus, also known as an intestinal or bowel perforation, is a serious condition where the wall of the gastrointestinal tract ruptures, causing the contents to leak into the peritoneal cavity, resulting in severe abdominal pain.

After the surgery at LASUTH on July 14th, Abiodun was informed by the surgeon that her son's small intestine was missing. She raised concerns and questioned both hospitals about the whereabouts of her son's intestines. In response, LASUTH stated that they conducted a life-saving, corrective, and reconstructive surgery. During this procedure, the surgical team made unexpected findings, which were recorded in a video. The hospital informed Abiodun about these findings, attributing them to previous surgeries, but she remained in denial. The hospital mentioned that the video would be shown at the appropriate time.

LASUTH established an investigative panel following the allegations. The outcome of the investigation revealed that the surgeons at LASUTH were not responsible for removing any structures from the patient. Additionally, a government regulatory agency is conducting its own investigation into the incident, and LASUTH is fully cooperating by submitting all relevant documents.

LUTH stated that the patient is still under their care, with a team of highly skilled and excellent pediatric surgeons providing commendable post-surgery care.

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