Showing posts with label How to Prepare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How to Prepare. Show all posts

Friday, 15 May 2020

Production of Liquid Soap

Production of liquid soap

Use this formula to produce 10 liters of quality liquid soap; you can actually get up   to 13 liters with this formula. I will tell you why later. Make sure you follow each   step carefully and put it to practice. 

Chemicals Required and Quantity Price

1. Natrosol 1/16 kg N350 
2. Caustic Soda 1/16 kg N100 
3. Soda Ash 1/4 kg N400 
4. STPP 1/8 kg N100 
5. Sulphonic 1/2 liters N450  
6. Perfume 30ml (use lemon for this production) 
7. Colour 1 small wrap N50 
8. Formalin (preservative) 20ml N10
Total N1460


STEP 1: Pour 1/16kg natrosol to 7 litres of water and stir for 15 minutes. 

Just keep stirring it intermittently; please take this caution very serious to avoid   lumps in your liquid soap.

STEP 2: Mix the caustic soda powder 1/16 kg and 1/4kg soda ash and also 1/8   STPP powder together. 

NEXT STEP: soak the mixed powder in 3 litres of water in a separate bowl and   stir well for 10 minutes to dissolve. 

STEP 3: Get a big bucket and pour your 1/2 liter of sulphonic into it 

STEP 4: Add 1½ liters of the mixture of caustic soda, soda ash and STPP in step2 to the natrosol solution and stir well for 15 minutes. You will see it start to thicken up 

STEP 5: Pour the remaining 1½ liters of caustic soda, soda ash and STPP solution to the sulphonic in the bucket and stir gently for 2 minutes. You will see the chemical reaction taking place. Sulphonic will be swelling up .

STEP 6: Add the mixed sulphonic into the mixed natrosol and stir it well for 20 minutes to blend well. 

STEP 7: You can now mix your color of choice with small water and add it into the solution gradually and stir well. 
Watch out so you don’t add too much color, a little quantity once it blends is best. 
TIP: Always mix your color in water before adding to your soap, don’t add direct to the soap.

 As a beginner I do mix all the powdered ingredients together together in one bowl and set aside, mix all the liquid ingredients, then add 1/2 of the water I want to use and mix very well
 Then start adding the powered ingredients gradually and turning like when you are making swallow.
After that, I will add little water to my colour and add
 Add my perfume(Flavour),
Then add the remaining water and cover for few minutes for fermentation to take place

 Note: You can add extra water if it's too thick

And I do buy extra forming booster too. 

Soak your caustic soda in a water and let it dissolve, before adding to the liquid ingredients while mixing

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Calculating the Amount of Tiles for a Room

Calculating the amount of tiles for a room

 A tile is a thin object usually square or
rectangular in shape. Tile is a manufactured
piece of hard-wearing material such as ceramic , stone , metal, baked clay, or even glass, generally used for covering roofs, floors, walls, or other objects such as tabletops. 

I will be taking us through the process of calculating the amount or number of Tiles for one room apartment .

How Many Packet Of Tiles Will Be Used For One Room?

Today i will be using a One Room Apartment as a case study and would also like to write this based on my environment, Nigeria.

I am going to write based on Nigeria because some few things i may mention here may not apply to other countries.
But i know most times what is applicable here in Nigeria also applies elsewhere.

So you'd like to tile your home, but do not know how many packets of tiles that would complete the project and would also not want some tiler to come and over estimate the whole thing right?

I will try to make this simple for you...
The first thing you must understand or know when calculating the number of packets of tiles to purchase for your home is the dimension of the room or apartment you'd like to tile.
Let me Use a single room now...
A room measuring 
L = 2.5m
W = 2.4m
Now having measure the length and width and obtained the figures above, lets now get the area of the entire room to be tiled
How To Calculate The Area Of A Room
Now Area = L x B
Area = 2.5 X 2.4
Total Area = 6m2
What this means is that the area of the room is 6 square meters and so, how many packet of tiles do i buy for this project?
In order to be able to calculate the number of packets of tiles to buy, you must first know the dimension of the particular tile you're buying
I love using the 400mm x 400mm tile because its easy to calculate, this does not however mean i cannot handle any type of tile out there.

Floor Tiles And Dimension

Here in Nigeria, Floor Tiles has the following dimensions (all in mm)
400 x 400
400 x 250
250 x 250
300 x 300
For the sake of this tutorial, i am going to use a 400mm x 400mm tile.
Now, For every Packet, There are 12 Pieces
Now you need to know how many square meters there are in one packet of tile.
How to Calculate the area of a Floor tile
You can also go further to know the area of one tile by simply multiplying 400 x 400 = 0.16m2
The Area Of One Packet Of Tiles
Now since the area of one tile is 0.16m2, there are 12 tiles in one packet
Therefore the total area in one packet of tile would be 12 x 0.16 = 1.92m2
Now in one Packet of tile, we have 1.92m2
How many packet Of Tiles will be just enough for my room measuring 6m2?
In Order to know this, quickly divide 6 by 1.92 (6/1.92 = 3.125)
The number of Packets would be 3.125 
But we also know that there is no way you'd wanna approximate a packet of tile ans so you'll need to buy 4 packets of tiles for your Room.
Things You Must Have In Mind When Tiling Your Room
Please Note: You're also going to need some extra piece of tile for the skirting since you need skirting to make the work a perfect one.
You are also going to Buy 2 Bags of Cement (Depending on the thickness of the mortar)...
You are also required to hire the services of an experienced Tiler...

Monday, 24 October 2016

How to Make Virgin Coconut Oil

Coconut oil offers a variety of health benefits and can be used for cooking as well as skin and hair care. Virgin coconut oil is believed to be of the highest quality, made naturally and free of harsh chemicals. Learn how to make virgin coconut oil at home using the wet mill method, the cold process method, and the boiling method.

Method One of Three:
Using the Wet Mill Method

Split a coconut with a sharp cleaver. Use a mature, brown coconut, rather than a young green one.

Scrape the meat of the coconut from the shell. Use a coconut scraper, sharp pairing knife or a sturdy metal spoon. *Removing the meat is tricky. A butter knife is much better than a sharp pairing knife. You can slide it in between the meat and the shell and 'pop' pieces off, rather than slip, and cut your hand.

Cut the coconut meat into small pieces or shred the coconut flesh with the scraper.

Place the pieces into a food processor.

Turn on the food processor to a medium speed and blend until well shredded. Add a little water to help it blend if necessary.

Filter the coconut milk. Put a coffee filter or cheesecloth over a wide-mouth jar. Pour or spoon a small amount of the coconut mixture onto the cloth. Wrap the cloth around the coconut mixture and squeeze the milk into the jar.

* Squeeze hard, to make sure you get every last drop.
* Repeat this process until all of the coconut mixture has been used.

Leave the jar unattended for at least 24 hours. As it sets, the coconut milk and oil will separate and a layer of curd will appear at the top of the jar.
* Refrigerate the jar so the curd hardens more quickly if you'd like.
* If you'd prefer not to refrigerate it, leave the jar in a cool room.

Scoop out the curd with a spoon and discard it. The pure virgin coconut oil is left in the jar.

Method Two of Three:
Using the Cold Process Method

Start with dried or dehydrated coconut. You can buy dried unsweetened coconut flakes from the grocery store. Be sure the only ingredient the bag contains is coconut. If you want to start with fresh coconut meat, cut the meat into pieces and use a dehydrator to dry it out over the course of 24 hours.

* You can use the oven at its lowest temperature to dry coconut meat. Cut it into small chunks, place it on a baking sheet, and cook it at a low temperature for 8 hours, or until its completely dry.
* If you're using store-bought coconut, go for the coconut flakes, rather than shredded coconut, which tends to clog the juicer.

Put the coconut in your juicer. Juice the dried coconut in small batches, since placing a lot of coconut in the juicer will cause it to clog. The juicer will remove the oil and cream from the fiber. Continue processing the coconut until all of the flakes have been run through the juicer.

Process the coconut again. The juicer won't be able to extract all of the oil the first time around, so run the coconut flakes through it once more to make sure you get every last drop.

Place the coconut oil in a jar and store in a warm place. Wait 24 hours for the coconut cream to settle at the bottom of the jar. The pure coconut oil will rise to the top.

Spoon the oil into a new container. Once the oil has separated from the cream and solidified, use a spoon to remove it from the first container and place it in a new container. It is now ready to use.

Method Three of Three:
Boiling the Coconut

Heat 4 cups of water. Place the water in a saucepan and put it on a burner. Turn the burner to medium high and heat the water until it starts steaming.

Grate the meat of 2 coconuts. Use a fully developed brown coconut instead of a young green one. Open the coconut, scoop out the meat and grate it into a bowl.

Blend the coconut and water. Put the grated coconut in a blender. Pour the hot water over the coconut and close the lid of the blender. Hold the lid of the blender in place and puree the coconut and water into a smooth mixture.
* Don't fill the blender more than halfway full with hot water. If your blender is on the smaller side, blend the coconut and water in two batches. Filling the blender too high may cause the lid to fly off.
* Hold the lid in place while you're blending the mixture; otherwise it could come off while you're blending.

Strain the coconut liquid. Place cheesecloth or a fine-mesh strainer over a bowl. Pour the pureed coconut over the cloth or strainer so that the coconut milk drips into the bowl. Use a spatula to push the pulp and squeeze out as much liquid as possible.
* If it's easier for you, you could pick up the cheesecloth and squeeze it over the bowl with your hands.

* To extract even more liquid, pour more hot water over the pulp and squeeze it again.

Boil the coconut liquid. Place it in a saucepan on a burner and turn the heat to medium high. Bring it to a boil and cook, stirring constantly, until the water has evaporated and the cream has separated from the oil and turned brown.

The process of boiling the liquid until it reaches the right state could take over an hour. Be patient, and stir constantly.

If you'd rather not boil the mixture, you can allow it to separate on its own. Place the liquid in a bowl and cover it with plastic wrap. Leave it at room temperature for 24 hours, then place it in the refrigerator so the oil solidifies and floats to the top. Strain the oil from the liquid.

Source: wikkihow

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