Wednesday, 4 February 2015


Online Business

Online Business

Avoid cubicle farms and bosses breathing down your neck by starting an online business that you can run from home. Once you start making real money, you might never turn back. Here are 7 online businesses you start and run from home

  • Blog / Magazine Publishing This is one of the easiest types of online home businesses and my favorite too because I am doing it myself. All you need is to create your own blog and start writing and publishing content for it. A point to note that you need a strong fan follower and high traffic before you actually earn for your pockets which actually is not that difficult if you do it properly.
  • Affiliate Marketing Another easy way to make money from home is by affiliate marketing. An online affiliate marketing is actually promoting someone else products and services on social media platforms or portals or either at their own blogs and earning huge commissions in return. Most of the top brands usually pay between 10%-30% commissions to their affiliates. All you need is to find that hot product and make others buy it or click it. Just like I am the affiliate marketer of themeforest and hostgator, you can choose your own brand depending upon your niche. Here is a great site which offers written and video lessons on how to start successful affiliate marketing. Click Here to join for free.
  • Review Sites A review site generally reviews the new products and goods of some top companies and gets rewarded fixed return. It is not compulsory whether you write about its qualities or not, all you need to do is to write a good true review. For a single review post, you can easily earn between $20 to $200 or even more depending upon the niche and traffic of the website. SponseredReviews is currently one of the top networks where you can opt to write reviews.
  • Community Membership sites A community membership website can be started anywhere and for anyone. It could be for your local yoga community or may be for the global truck drivers’ community or may be WordPress community where you help fellow newbies. Earning are usually made by either advertisements campaigns or by premium membership accounts.
  • Designing and Developing Websites 10 years back designing and developing website was considered something difficult but now days even an elementary school pass out guy can start his own website designing company. All you need is some sort of designing skills; learning Adobe Dreamviewer or Microsoft Impressions will do that. For any new Asian, earnings will be usually lower than in western countries. If you are a freelancer , this is probably the best home based online business for you
  • Online Auction Business There are so many auction sites where you can buy and sell your products with proper bids. The more someone bids, the more is your earnings. Most famous among them is the, . You will get some experience with the time as you hook up for your bids.
  • ECommerce Stores ECommerce sites focus on selling and buying goods through the electronic medium like ebay, flipkart etc. These sites can produce huge amounts of incomes once properly started and is therefore the most profitable online business currently. Although they require a dedicated staff to manage and administrate the business but a quick start can even be initiated from a home.

Don’t forget big companies like Google, Microsoft, Ebay, Amazon was started from a single room.

1 comment:

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