Saturday, 16 July 2016

10 Natural Herbs for Anxiety & Stress

Using natural herb for anxiety is a great alternative to treating it with prescription medication, if at all possible. It varies from person to person, so you may find that a combination of drugs and natural remedies works best, or it could be that you can treat it completely naturally. These herbs can interact with different drugs you’re taking so it’s important to consult with your doctor before you start taking them, especially if you’re currently on medication for any other condition.
1. Ginger
Ginger is a root that you can start using in a number of ways to help with your anxiety. You can brew up ginger tea, which basically consists of putting pieces of ginger root in a hot cup of water. You can add ginger to your cooking as well, as it calms the stomach and is said to increase the amount of energy your digestive system uses. Ginger also has a cleansing effect on the body, so you can help rid yourself of certain wastes which will help you feel better overall. Ginger can have side effects, which is why you’ll want to check with your doctor before taking larger amounts of it.
2. Jojoba
You’ll often see jojoba added to bath and body products because of its soothing effect. What we’re most interested here is the way that jojoba makes the skin feel, as this can play a big part in how you feel all over, and can help you relax during times of excessive stress and feelings of anxiety. There aren’t many side effects when it comes to using jojoba, but you’ll still want to run it past your doctor to get the all clear before you start using it in earnest. Most of the time you won’t be using it directly, it will be mixed in with other herbs and oils as part of a product.
3. Ginkgo Biloba
This is one of the more popular all-natural anti-anxiety remedies, so perhaps you’ve heard about it. Ginkgo Biloba has many different uses, and is said to help with everything from improving mental focus and acuity to glaucoma. When you consider that anxiety is mental condition, it becomes clear that taking a supplement to help the functioning of the brain is a good idea. A healthy brain should not be anxious, and should have mechanisms in place to deal with excessive anxiety in a healthy way. Taking gingko biloba as part of a comprehensive approach to treating your anxiety may be a good idea, but be sure to ask your doctor first.
4. Valerian Root
This herb works best at helping you get to sleep when your mind is racing and you feel a sense of panic when you’re just trying to get rest. Getting proper sleep is paramount when you’re dealing with feeling of anxiety. Sleep is your brain’s chance to rest and restore itself without your conscious mind getting in the way. The irony is that your conscious mind tries to come up with a bunch of what if situations right when you’re trying to go to sleep. Help calm your mind and trigger natural sleep responses from the brain with valerian root.
5. Bergamot
Bergamot comes from the bergamot orange and comes out as an oil which can be used for aromatherapy to help reduce stress. This is a remedy that is used during radiation treatment, and it has been noted that it also works for those not undergoing that treatment, but also in need of an anti-anxiety solution. This is a very natural remedy and it is often added to foods without any known side effects, but you’ll want to be careful when using it in stronger concentrations or with greater frequency. It’s always a good idea to ask your doctor if they think it’s okay for you to start supplementing with any knew herb or oil.
6. Chamomile
Chamomile has long been used to help calm the mind and relax the body, and it is often used as a tea. Rather than just being a folk remedy, scientific studies have actually backed up its effectiveness, and there are not clinical trials that have shown it really does work. This is good news for those that want a non-prescription way to help treat anxiety. Keep in mind that using chamomile alone might not be enough to treat severe cases of anxiety, such as panic attacks or associated conditions like clinical depression, but they can play their part in a more comprehensive approach.
7. St. John’s Wort
You may have heard the buzz about St. John’s Wort several years back as it became mainstream popular as a natural way to help treat depression. The benefits it provides may also help to treat anxiety, but studies being conducted into this area have not been able to provide conclusive evidence that it works. However, many users report greater feelings of ease and well being after taking it, and this has been the case for several hundred years now. It’s something you should consult with your doctor on, as they’ll be able to recommend a dosage that’s right for you if they think it’s something you should try.
8. Lavender
Help your body unwind and relax with the soothing properties of lavender. You can make a tea out of it, or use the essential oil for aromatherapy either by warming it up or adding it to your bath. A relaxed body often results in a relaxed mind, and this can be a big help when trying to calm yourself down. You can use this as a daily ritual, or save it for times when you are especially stressed out and feeling strong levels of anxiety. Some also use this to help with insomnia, so taking a bath with lavender in it before bed can really help you get a good night’s sleep, which can work wonders on anxiety.
9. Eucalyptus
You can use all natural eucalyptus to help with your feelings of stress and anxiety. Many users have reported intense feelings of relaxation after using it. The oil is extracted from the eucalyptus plant, and can be used in several different forms including a spray or made into a tea. The trick to using all-natural products like these is to make sure that you are getting to the problem early. It’s much easier to diffuse anxiety before it creeps up than to try to treat a full blown anxiety attack using herbs and other natural remedies, as they take time to have their effect on the body and senses.
10. Meadow Sweet
If you’ve been experiencing headaches due to the amount of stress and anxiety you’ve been experiencing, meadow sweet might be just the tool for you to use for relief. This is another herb that makes a great relaxing tea that you can sip on whenever you feel the first tingle of a headache, or even before then, when you recognize a trigger that sends you into an anxious state. There are a few contraindications with meadow sweet, so be sure to get your doctor’s approval before you begin taking it. Namely, if you have an aspirin sensitivity you may want to avoid using this.

Reference: Bembu

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