Saturday, 12 November 2016

Here is why Clinton lost the U.S Presidencyto Trump

Former Democratic US Presidential
candidate Hillary Clinton speaks to
supporters at the New Yorker after her
defeat  to Donald Trump on
November 9, 2016 in New York.

US Hispanic and African American voters
were expected to help lift Hillary Clinton
over the threshold and into the White
Data from exit polls shows that while she
received large majorities of the vote cast by
the two groups, Donald Trump actually did
better with them than Mitt Romney did four
years ago.

This was one of the reasons Clinton failed
to win enough votes in key swing states like
Florida and Pennsylvania to tip the balance
of electoral votes in her favour.
Here’s a look at some other data from some
of the exit polls conducted Tuesday:


A surprising 29 per cent of Hispanics voted
for Trump, according to exit polls cited by
the New York Times and NBC News. The
Times said that was eight percentage points
higher than the Hispanic vote for Mitt
Romney in 2012.
Trump, who pledged he would build a wall
along the US-Mexico border, received more
support from Hispanics than Romney,
whose most controversial position was to
tell undocumented immigrants to “self-


Clinton received 88 per cent of the votes
cast by African Americans, compared with 8
per cent for Trump, according to the Times’
exit poll.

This was lower than the breakdown in 2012
when President Barack Obama received 93
per cent of the votes cast by blacks.
The fall-off in Clinton’s share was due to
black men. She won 80 per cent of their
vote, but 13 per cent went for Trump,
according to an exit poll conducted by CBS


Well over half of white voters – 58 per cent

– chose Trump, an increase of 1 percentage

point over 2012, according to the New York

Times exit poll.

Whites without college degrees voted for
Trump by a large margin – 67 per cent,
according to the Times.

That is higher than in 2012 by 14
percentage points. According to a different
exit poll conducted by CBS News, the
percentage of whites without college degrees
who voted for Trump was even higher – 72
per cent.
Clinton won among white women with a
college degree, but only by a 51-to-45 per
cent margin, according to the CBS exit poll.


Surprisingly, given all of the attention to
Trump’s attitudes and behaviour toward
women, Clinton was able to increase the
percentage of female voters who voted
Democrat by only 1 point.

A majority of women – 54 per cent – voted
for her, but that compares with 53 per cent
who voted for Obama in 2012.
The percentage of women who voted for
Trump was 42, according to exit polls cited
by the New York Times.

Among men, 53 per cent voted for Trump,
an increase of five percentage points over
Party affiliation:

Republicans turned out in a big way for
Trump. Prior to the election many observers
thought a significant number of them would
either vote for Clinton or a third-party
The data shows 90 per cent of them
supported Trump, according to the Times.
Only 7 per cent chose Clinton, which was
just four percentage points higher than in
White Democrats similarly voted for Clinton,
but there was a gender gap: She won 86 per
cent of white Democratic women, but only
81 per cent of white, Democratic men.

White evangelical or born-again


Eighty-one per cent of people in this group
voted for Trump, who described himself as
Presbyterian, but otherwise made few
references to his religious affiliation during
the campaign.

The percentage was eight points higher than
the white evangelical or born-again vote in
2012, according to the New York Times’

Source: Vanguard News

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