Monday, 18 February 2019

Election delay: Churches, prophets boast of prophecy fulfilment

Since the announcement of the postponement of the
general elections by a week , some clerics and their
followers have started boasting that the development
is a fulfilment of their prophecies.

The prophets , in videos posted on their various social
media pages and promoted in paid adverts , also
claimed that the shift in the election date confirmed
that their callings were divine.

Some Nigerians , however , said the men only
exploited the weakness in the system to deceive their
congregations .

Christ Mercyland Deliverance Ministry , a church in
Warri , Delta State , made a 12 - minute documentary to
prove the accuracy of the prophecy of its General
Overseer , Prophet Jeremiah Fufeyin .
Fufeyin , who reportedly hosted a church programme
on February 7 , was shown predicting that the
election would be postponed .
“ I know who will win the election 2019 ; the
presidential election . As a prophet , I don ’ t have time
( to say ) who and who will win election . I told you
people that on the 16 th of February , the presidential
election will not hold; they will shift it . The date is
going to another date. When they shift the date ,
know that what Prophet Jeremiah Fufeyin is telling
you is true and know you have a prophet among you .
“ The supernatural controls the physical . In the
supernatural, they have shifted it . That is why I
know it and I am seeing it . So , if you hear the
election has been shifted, don ’ t be surprised, ” he said
in the video .

A church in Apo , Abuja , Shiloh Word Chapel, in a
video on its Facebook page, also said the
postponement was a fulfilment of its leader ’ s
The head of the church , Prophet I . O. Samuel , in the
video that he also posted on his Instagram page, said
he saw cancellations and change of dates.
He said , “ Nigerians pray for February ; I am seeing a
lot of cancellation . I am seeing scatter - scatter . Touch
your neighbour , say , ‘ Pray for Nigeria ’ . I see
cancellation and shifting ; change of dates and timing .
We are to pray . Nigeria is sitting on gunpowder; thus
saith the Lord of host . ”

Chairman of INEC , Prof Mahmood Yakubu ,
announced the postponement of the election .
Also , the Senior Pastor of Restoration Charismatic
Ministries , Asaba , Delta State , Prophet Julius
Ekweozor , claimed the postponement was a
fulfilment of his prophecy.
He reportedly delivered his prophecy during prayers
on February 3 , when he held a service at the Indoor
Sports Hall of the Stephen Keshi Stadium , Asaba .
The senior pastor of Omega Fire Ministries , Apostle
Johnson Suleiman, during a crusade in Onitsha,
Anambra State , on January 9 , was said to have also
told his congregation that the election would be
“ Can I surprise you? If we do not pray well , I don ’ t
see election . I saw a date that was shifted. They will
give you lies and security reasons , ” he said in a video
posted on Youtube .
Some Nigerians , who reacted to the videos, said the
clerics only made informed guesses .
On Nairaland , a social media platform , a member
with the alias, dazzling , said he also expected the
“… I know more than 100 people that made the same
prediction . I personally expected postponement as
usual . Nothing special … , ” he wrote .
Another user , cidiechat , said the postponement
showed that the clerics and their members did not
pray well .
A reader with the alias, shrimati , wondered why
Nigerians always heard about the prophecies after
the events .
On Instagram , one kevmillz _ 1983 said , “ You don ’ t
need a prophet to tell you that a dysfunctional
country will do dysfunctional things . ”
However , one rendieoma said a true prophet would
be known when his prophecies came to pass .

Source: punchng

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