Friday 3 March 2017

Getting Rid of Worm in Your System (Deworming)

For Ascaris Worm or Trichina Worm:

1. Ipil-ipil seeds (Scientific name: Leucaena glauca L.)

For Children: Eat the seeds of 5 fresh pads raw. Repeat after one week, if there are no results.

For Children and adults: Cook 1 cup dried seeds in frying pan without oil. Do not burn seeds. Pulverize.Mix with milk or water.

Adults: 1 teaspoon; 2 hours after supper.
Children: (7-9 yrs) 1/4 teaspoon, 2 hours after supper.
(10-12 yrs) 1/2 teaspoon, 2 hours after supper.
Note: Dosage may be repeated after one week if needed.

2. Papaya seeds (Scientific name: Carica Papaya ; English: Pawpaw, papaya)

Dry a cup od seeds and pulverize. Mix with 1 cup milk or water.

Adults: 1 teaspoon; 2 hours after supper.
Children: (7-9 yrs) 1/4 teaspoon, 2 hours after supper.
(10-12 yrs) 1/2 teaspoon, 2 hours after supper.
Note: Dosage may be repeated after one week if needed.

3. Akapulko seeds (Scientific name: Cassia alata L.; English: Ringworm bush or shrub)

Cook a cup of dried seeds in frying pan without oil. Pulverize. mix with 1 cup milk or water.

Adults: 1 teaspoon; 2 hours after supper.
Children: (7-9 yrs) 1/4 teaspoon, 2 hours after supper.
(10-12 yrs) 1/2 teaspoon, 2 hours after supper.
Note: Dosage may be repeated after one week if needed.

Pin Worm Treatment:

1. Niyog-niyogan seeds (Scientific name: Quisqualis indica L.; English: Burma cruper)

Eat raw 2 hours after supper. repeatr after one week if needed.

Adults: 10 seeds
Children: (4-7 yrs) 4 seeds.
(8-9 yrs) 6seeds.
(10-12 yrs) 7seeds.

2. Pineapple fruit , ripe

Eat 2-3 slices with every meal for one week.
Note: When pinworms come out at night, wet cotton with oil and remove pinworm with cotton soaked in oil. Change the bed sheet, underwear and pajamas every night for one week.


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