Thursday 20 July 2017

Benefits of Soursop Leaves

Treating of cancer

According to a study conducted by experts from Purdue University in the United States stated that this soursop leaf content is very good for the treatment of various diseases, especially cancer. In the study proves that soursop leaves can inhibit cancer cell growth. Some types of cancer that can be treated are breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer and 12 other types of cancer.

The procedure to make it is: take old soursop leaves and boil with 3 cups of water. Leave until remaining one cup of water, drink 2 times a day for 2 weeks.

Treating Uric Acid

Soursop leaves can also be used as a cure of gout. Many alternative medicines use soursop leaves for the treatment of gout. The procedure to make it is: take 6-10 old soursop leaves but still green then wash cleanly. Furthermore cut soursop leaves with the aim of ensuring the content in the leaves right out. Boil the leaves with 2 cups of water. Simmer until remaining 1 cup of water. Drink the concoction twice a day in the morning and evening.

Benefits of Soursop Leaves for treating Back Pain.

If you have any problems with your waist, try to make a potion of soursop leaves. Take 20 pieces soursop leaves and boil with 5 cups of water. Allow to boil and the remaining 3 cups. Drink this mixture ¾ cup once a day.

Soursop leaves Helping The Immune System and Preventing Infections.

The content in soursop leaves is believed to boost the immune system and prevent infection in the body. The procedure is: prepare 4/5 soursop leaves, boil with 4 cups of water and then simmer until the remaining 1 cup. Drink once a day.

Benefits of Soursop Leaves for treating Eczema and Rheumatism.

Mash until smooth soursop leaves and apply on the body that feels pain or pain due to arthritis or eczema regular twice a day.
Benefits of Soursop Leaf to Treat Ulcers.

Pick young soursop leaf and stick it on the body affected by ulcers.
Those are some of the benefits of soursop leaves that you can make reference to traditional medicine.

Efficacy of Soursop Leaf Extract For Health

Soursop leaf extract can help to tackle cancer besides also able to maintain a healthy body from various health problems.
What are the benefits of soursop leaf extract for health? Here’s more:
Antibacterial :To Inhibit bacterial growth
Antiviruses: To pursue the development of virus
Anticancer : To Inhibit cancer development
Antitumor: To Inhibit tumor growth
Antiparasitic: To Inhibit parasite development
Antimalarials: Antimalarials
Antileishmania: Antileishmania
Antispasmodic: Substance that can relax smooth muscle
Antikonfulsan: anticonvulsants
Astrigen : Substances that wrinkle / shrink mucous membranes
Antimutagenic: Substances that are inhibiting gene mutation
Analgesic : Substances that can relieve pain / ache
Anti-inflammatory : Substances that suppress inflammation
Febrifuge: Substances that lower fever
Hypotensive: Substances that are lowering blood pressure
Hypoglycemic : Substances that are lowering blood sugar levels
Nervin : To strengthen nerve / nerve tonic
Kardiodepresan: Pressing cardiac activity
Galactogogue: Substances that can increase breast milk production
Sedatives : Substances that are soothing
Stomakik : Substance that strengthens the stomach and increase appetite
Vasodilators: Substances that dilate blood vessels are
Vermifuge: Substances that can kill intestinal worms
Diuretics: The emetic of aurine
Tranquilizers : Substances that are soothing


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