Wednesday, 2 August 2017

If your vagina itches a lot, here are probable reasons

If your vagina itches a lot,here are probable reasons

Vagina itching that just won ’t go away is
uncomfortable to talk about , and even
more uncomfortable to deal with .
But before you assume you’re dealing
with yeast infection symptoms ( which is
likely , but not certain) , it ’s important to
know the symptoms of other common
conditions and talk to a doctor .

Here , a gynecologist, Dr. Mae
Borchardt, explains it all …

• Vaginal itching that just won’ t go away
could be something as innocuous as
irritation from a dull razor or something
that requires immediate treatment —
such as a sexually transmitted disease .

• It ’s important to rule out more serious
causes — for instance, vaginal itching
may be caused by trichomoniasis, a
common STD that requires a powerful
antibiotic to treat .

• In rare cases, itching accompanied by a
non- healing ulcer may be a sign of
vulvar cancer.

• Lifestyle factors may be responsible for
vagina itching. When you’re dealing with
external itching on the vulva — not
internal itching that stretches into the
vagina — it may be dermatitis, or
inflammation of the skin caused by dull
razors , tight pants, or sweaty workout

• Itching can be caused by sex . If you
recently tried a new lubricant with your
partner ( or you aren ’t using enough ), it
may cause vaginal itching and
discomfort . This is because many
lubricants have alcohol in them, which
can be very irritating to the vaginal area ;
while having intercourse without
adequate lubrication can also cause a lot

If your vagina itches a lot,here are probable reasons

of friction, leading to vagina irritation .
• You may be allergic to latex, which is
found in the main types of condoms.

• Itching may be caused by menopause .
The lower oestrogen levels you experience
as you approach menopause can actually
change the pH balance of your vagina,
causing the vaginal walls to thin and dry
— a condition called vaginal atrophy .
Oestrogen decreases throughout your
lifetime , but it can cause symptoms
including itching, irritation , and painful

• Itching can be caused by hygiene
products. The wrong soap can get you
scratching. In any case, the vagina is self-
cleaning, and you don’ t have to clean it
with soap . Water alone would do .

• Bacterial vaginosis can cause itching .

This is a very common infection , and
occurs when an overgrowth of the
vagina’ s naturally occurring bacteria
causes inflammation . Although it can
affect women of any age, women of
reproductive age are most likely to
contract it , and frequent douching and
unprotected sex increase your risk.
The bottom line : See your doctor if you
notice an unpleasant odour or if your
vaginal itch becomes prolonged or
unbearable .

Source: punchng

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