Monday, 20 July 2020

Best ways to Boost or Increase Blood in the Body

Best ways to Boost or Increase Blood in the Body

More than three million people in the United States alone, have anaemia ( Shortage of blood) which shows that this is a very common condition. It makes people to have constant fatigue, headaches , pallor , muscle weakness and at times, depression and memory loss . Though, there are many different types of anaemia, and they are classified depending on their causes and the exact effect.
Making use of herbs for anaemia treatment can work great as a complementary choice. 
The method described below is very effective when it comes to boosting blood within a short time ( It is very fast in boosting blood ):

• Get Beetroot
• Wash and Slice and boil it for 20 minutes
• Then drink the liquid
Beetroot can be eaten as salad without boiling it.
Beetroot is a great source of Iron which is very important in the production of Red Blood Cells. It is round, cylindrical or tapered swollen root. It is an annual plant which can grow up to 35 cm. It’s colour is dark red. They can either be eaten raw or cooked.
Best ways to Boost or Increase Blood in the Body

Other Important Uses of Beetroot

Beetroot Leaves for Earache

Get Beetroot Leaves. Squeeze out the juice and heat. Then use it as ear drop.

Beetroot for Low Blood Pressure

Drink 1 cup of Beetroot juice. It helps to increase Blood Pressure.

Beetroot for Low Platelet Count

Take 2 tablespoon Beetroot juice two times a day.

Beetroot for Menopause

Drink 100 ml Beetroot juice everyday. It helps to treat menopausal disorders.

Beetroot for Scanty Menses

Take 1 glass of Beetroot juice three times a day.

Beetroot for Gout

Eat 4 to 5 slices of Beetroot as salad everyday.

Beetroot for Arthritis

Best ways to Boost or Increase Blood in the Body

Drink 1 cup of Beetroot juice one times a day.

Beetroot for Rheumatism

Drink 30 ml beetroot juice everyday. Have it two times a day.

Beetroot for Kidney Stones

Cut Beetroot in small pieces and boil them in water till they get soft then mesh them in same water. Filter and drink 1 cup of it three times a day.

Beetroot for Burns

Best ways to Boost or Increase Blood in the Body

Leaves of Beetroot should be crushed to make a paste and apply a layering over burned areas.

Beetroot for Bruises

Fresh leaves of Beetroot should be crushed to make paste and apply it over the ruptured Skin.

Beetroot as Antidepressant

Beetroot contains nutrients such as Betaine, Tryptophan which relaxes the mind. These nutrients have been widely used in antidepressant drugs.
If you are depressed or overworked then try to add Beetroot in your daily diet. The mind is strengthened by it

Beetroot as Immunity Booster

Beetroot has low calories, so it boost up the immunity.
When you add Beetroot in your daily diet, you will feel energetic yourself.

Beetroot as an Aphrodisiac

Beetroot rises the blood flow in genital areas. So from ancient times it has been used in aphrodisiac drugs. Use Beetroot everyday and live a joyful life.

Beetroot for Hair Fall

Best ways to Boost or Increase Blood in the Body

Paste of few Beetroot leaves should be prepared and applied to the scalp for 30 minutes. This procedure should be repeated two times a week.
Consume fresh juice of Beetroot one times a day.

Beetroot for Constipation

Boil 1 Beetroot in water for 5 to 10 minutes and drink this soup and also eat Beetroot too. Take it on an empty Stomach.

Beetroot for Spleen Enlargement

Eat fresh Beetroot in salad everyday.
OR : Drink a glass of fresh Beetroot everyday.

Beetroot for Blood Disorders

Beetroot is a great source of Minerals and Vitamins. It removes toxins from the blood and removes all impurities from the Blood.

Beetroot for Watery Semen

Take fresh Beetroot every day to beat watery semen. You may also take Beetroot and Carrot soup everyday.

Beetroot for Ovarian Cysts

Best ways to Boost or Increase Blood in the Body

Beetroot is a great source of important vitamins and minerals. It provides good health of reproductive organs and eliminates the toxins.
Include Beetroot to your everyday diet. One can have the Juice or salad of Beetroot everyday.

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