Saturday, 15 August 2020

11 Reason why you should have Bitter Kola always with you at Home #kola#bitter

Bitter kola also known as Garcinia kola  is a species of flowering plants that  grows in coastal rainforests in the South-Western and South-Eastern parts of Nigeria, and it also can be found in some African countries, such as: Cameroon, Côte de Ivoire, Ghana, Liberia, Gabon, and a few others
Bitter kola seeds, fruit, bark and nuts are used for treating diseases and ailments . Despite the economic importance of bitter kola, it's cultivation is quite minimal as a result of certain prevailing factors.
Below are some health benefits and uses of bitter kola:

Increased sexual performance
Bitter kola is capable of increasing sex drive and also increasing sexual performance in men with low libido. Chewing at least 2 seeds of bitter kola few minutes before sexual intercourse helps to boost or increase sex drive.
Findings have it that bitter kola can regulate blood sugar levels in the blood by reducing and making it normal.
Consuming Bitter Kola seed greatly ameliorates hyperglycemia-mediated damage by decreasing the blood glucose level, enhancing the antioxidant system, limits lipid peroxidation, and improving complications of diabetes mellitus.
However this therapy is likely to be most effective in the early stage of diabetes as a severe state might need the services of health experts.

Over the years, traditional healers have been prescribing bitter kola to their patients as a treatment to some ailments of which malaria is included.
Experimental studies also support this fact in their finding that the chemical constituents in bitter kola have anti-malaria properties and can do wonders if two or three(with some water) of the seeds are chewed when signs arise.
Also the stem, bark, and seeds of garcinia kola are used to treat acute fever, inflammation of the respiratory tract and throat infections.
Weak immune system
Bitter kola contains high amount of antioxidants. This high amount of antioxidants found in bitter kola does not only help fight bacteria and other illnesses, but it also helps the body to increase its immunity levels .
Also, when the immunity level of the body is increased, it
becomes strong enough to fight against any foreign contaminant.

Glaucoma causes gradual loss of sight and if not treated could lead to permanent blindness .
Garcinia kola has been found to be a wonderful remedy for this ailment. Bitter should be eating at least twice a day to ease eye pressure

According to study it was found that Garcinia( bitter ) kola significantly
reduce inflammation and pain and increased joint movement in People that had osteoarthritis symptoms.

Helps Pregnancy
Bitter kola contrary to what some may believe, actually has been said to be helpful and useful in and for pregnant women, as it helps in fighting against nausea and vomiting, making the uterus healthier, supplies strength to the expectant mother and normalizes blood circulation also.

Neutralizes Snake Poison

It is important to fumigate your environment regularly so as to keep snakes away.
However there are simple local methods you could use to completely eradicate snakes from coming around your homes.
One very active method is using grinded Bitter kola and maize to eradicate snakes from around the neighbourhood. It does not matter the species, kind or size of the snake, just grind the bitter kola and mix it up with grinded maize.
Spread it around the region you observed snakes mostly pass through or around the compound or around your house; snakes will keep their distance totally. This process should be repeated at intervals of three days.

Sore Throat

You can chew Bitter kola seeds to clear a sore throat and throat hoarseness. 

Weight Loss 
Bitter kola is known for it's ability to suppress hunger naturally and as a great thirst stimulant, and as such helps to reduce weight loss, as a reduced food intake and large intake of water is needed by the body to get rid of excess fat and stay healthy


Allowing cough to persist for too long is not healthy and thus should be treated immediately the signs are noticed.
To use the Bitter kola method in curing cough, blend 8-10 bitter kola nuts and scoop the paste in a clean container with a cover.
Get a half bottle of honey and add a significant amount to the paste about ratio 5:1 and stir very well.
Allow the mixture to stay for at least an hour to ferment. Then give it to your child or an adult three times daily, until symptoms of cough disappear.
This home remedy is very effective but stay away from drinking cold or iced water during treatment.

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