Sunday, 22 November 2020

6 Different ways to Treat Gonorrhoea #Gonorrhoea

1. Buy tetracycline (yellow and red capsule) open like 4dose and mix with hot gin and drink like two times a day.

2. Go for ceftriaxone injection, and take Doxycycline for one week

3. Go to pharmacy now and get chlorophenichol 1 sachet and get dano powdered milk 2 sachet. (Note: some people complain of side when using chlorophenichol. If your body, you can consult with your Physician before using it )

4. Bitter Mellon and lemon juice is very effective for gonorrhea

5. This very plant ( Giant Milk Weed ) , dig out the root, boil it, and take one cup of the water, just a cup that is all. More than a cup is overdose. Repeat that after a week. The juice is taken hot, just the way you take your hot tea. 

6. Peel d bitter Mellon (Egunsi bara,. looks like watermelon) and cut it into small pieces, put it inside Eva water bottle, then add lemon juice leave it for like 3 hours and then started drinking but make sure u didn't drink much just small and if u want it to work very fast u can eat the hot swallow food( like amala, semo etc ) immediately after u took it,.. When it's started working u may experience a little bit stomach pain like 5 to 7 minutes. 

 Note: You can toilet like 2-3 times but I wish u didn't toilet inside d WC so that u can see something that u will toilet by ur eyes.

Gonorrhoea is a sexually transmitted infection

Symptoms of Gonorrhoea in men

1. White, yellow, or green discharge from your penis

2. Painful or swollen testicles

3. Burning when you pee

Symptoms of Gonorrhoea in Women

Many women do not have symptoms. If they do, they are often mild.

1. Burning or pain when you pee

2. More vaginal discharge than is typical

3. Bleeding between periods

4. Pain in your belly

5. Pain when you have sex

Gonorrhea infection in your rear end or rectum, may cause:

1. Discharge

2. Bleeding

3. Pain when you poop

4. Itching

5. Soreness

Your eyes, throat, or joints can also be affected by Gonorrhoea.

You can have Gonorrhoea without having symptoms.

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