Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Effective Remedy for Tumour, Typhoid Fever, Ulcer and Aging #tumour#typhoid#ulcer


Typhoid Fever

Typhoid fever is caused by a bacteria known as Salmonella typhi . Typhoid fever is still a serious health threat in the developing world, especially for children but it is rare in developed countries. Contaminated food and water or close contact with an infected person cause typhoid fever. 

Signs and symptoms of typhoid fever usually include:

1. High fever

2. Headache

3. Stomach pain

4. Constipation or diarrhea

Many people who have typhoid fever feel better few days after they start antibiotic treatment, but small number of them may die of complications. 


Tumours are groups of abnormal cells that form growths or lumps. They may start in any one of the trillions of cells in our bodies. Tumours grow and act differently, depending on whether they are cancerous (malignant), non-cancerous (benign) or precancerous.


Ulcer is a sore that develops on the lining of the oesophagus, stomach or small intestine.

Materials Need:

1) Spoon

2) Dried Pawpaw leaves

3) Water for boiling and heat source.

4) Honey / lemon (optional)


1) Collect several sun dried papaya leaves.

2) Crush the leaves to a powder form

3) Take 1 teaspoon of powdered dried papaya leaves and add to one cup of boiling water.

4) Steep / boil the leaves for ten ( 10 ) minutes.

5) If necessary remove the leaves from the tea by sieving.

6) Add 1 spoon of honey or lemon to flavour the tea if it tastes too bitter.

7) Take the tea always for a month morning and evening.

What the above papaya leave does.

1) Prevents / obstructs tumor growth

The papaya leaf tea can eliminate the growth of abnormal cells and obstruct the growth of tumor thereby preventing diseases such as allergies and cancer.

2. Relieves indigestion

3. Treats Typhoid fever

Typhoid fever symptoms could be reduced by drinking the concoction of papaya leaves regularly.

4. Slows Aging

The tea of papaya leaf should be applied on the skin regularly to achieve a younger looking and healthy skin. This tea tightens the skin and prevents it from fine lines and wrinkles.

5. Increases Appetite

Papaya leaves tea generates hunger to those who have lost appetite and interest to eat.

6. Eliminates Cataracts / Cloudy eyes.

The eye related problems such as cataract and vision loss could be cleared by the compounds present in papaya leaf.

7. Treats gastric Ulcer

8. Eliminates harmful body toxins

9. Improves Skin Health

Daily intake of this tea helps to improve the skin health and ailments such as rashes, minor cuts, scrapes, bug bites, and burns.

10. Mixture of honey and papaya leaves powder helps to treat fever and cough.

11. Malaria can be cured by boiling papaya leaves in hot water and

taking the tea.

12. The consumption of raw papaya leaves enhances the performance in bed.

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