Sunday, 24 January 2016



Sex and the risks

There <b>was</b> a mix up in the introductory portion of the first part of this article; the correct sentence is“superfluity comes sooner by white hairs, but competency(sufficiency),lives longer”. The error is regretted. The take away message from that quotation taken from William Shakes speare’s comedy book ; Merchant of Venice as applied to sex,is that it can in deed be excessive and too much sex has its consequences. Added to that is the fact that though, young boys and men may not know it, too much sex by way of frequency, associated with ejaculationor not, can be harmful to human health.

Complete copulatory sex occurs through a cycle and several stages of the cycle have been studied to make the work of sex therapist much more scientific and less subjective . It is essentially a matter , of ask-give receive, or give-receive ask give , depending on how it started. Though it will not be very appropriate to discuss them in any details here,it will be sufficient to say that at one time or the other during the sex cycle, nearly every major organ in the body is involved. Of particular importance are the heart, lungs, brain, kidneys, the penis, clitoris, vagina, the spine which contains the spinal cord . These structures and their repertoire of blood vessels and nerves are recruited into action during sex, Little wonder then that a young man who has diabetes mellitus and allows himself to take a few bottles of beer while partying with friends may be courting very serious danger if under the influence of Alcohol he goes further to engage in passionate physically demanding sex. He may go into coma from which there may be no recovery.

The risk of dying while having sex, copulatory or non copulatory is increased for certain individuals and conditions as hereunder:

Erectile dysfunction or persistent inability to achieve and maintain penile erection is a major problem now tormenting men ,the world over. More common after the age of 40, it is one reason many men are killing themselves with sex stimulants . Women are partly to blame for the amount of indecent exposure available for people of all ages to see. However, they (women ) argue that it is the ultimate responsibility of every man to know himself. Arguably,It is unreasonable for a man older than 50 to expect that his sex drive and performance will be the same as it was when he was 20 years old; libido and performance will wane with age, and while a wife of similar age may understand and wait patiently, a young lady with mountains of energy and sex drive will not . A man will resort to all sorts of ways and means to match a young and energetic wife . Many of these ways are capable of leading to untimely death
As stated earlier, being a male of African descent is on it’sown a risk factor for many diseases of the heart and it’s blood vessels. The black male is naturally endowed with sex organs which on the average are remarkably sizeable and efficient . Perhaps it is wise to remember that the maker designed the African males so no one has it all. And so from all over the world, there are more males of African descent dying from complications associated with sex performance enhancing drugs
For the African male, the geometry or Anatomy of the heart is not exactly the same as what you find in a White man of the same age. The pace maker in the heart(SAN) is set to kick start the heart earlier and to make the heart beat faster, Beyond that, the male African is more predisposed to have abnormal pacemakers, or double conduction pathways (wolf Parkinson white syndrome), etc. Because it requires expensive equipment to diagnose many conditions of the heart , many patients are not aware they are not as strong as they think. Alcohol increases heart rate , causes it’s blood vessels to relax and widen. It stimulates the brain and then later depresses it. It maytherefore stimulate the man, and then while the spirit is willing, the flesh is too weak to respond . The man goes for more alcohol until he goes into coma, or the heart beats faster and faster, until it stops(from excessive stimulation) Men In Primary Seated And Standing Occupations Men whose jobs require sitting down orstanding for long periods of time as required by occupation, are liable to problems of the lower part of the spine. A common symptom being low back pain. As they grow older, the problems are likely to get worse even to the extent that the bones may shift from normal positions. Because the spine is like a beam, it requires one little snap as may occur during one memorable time of wonderful sex and death may occur or paralysis from waist down may pacify the man. Underlying Medical Conditions Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension Diabetes and hypertension occur frequently in the Nigerian African, mostly separately but sometimes together. Scientists and physicians think that the connection may lie somewhere between the small blood vessels and the equally tiny nerves that keep them alive. What ever the case, it is safer for couples to go slow and easy on sex if the man is obese, has diabetes, mellitus, hypertension, or both. Inability to achieve and maintain erection is very common among patients undergoing treatment for these conditions, including obesity. It is important to note that many of the drugs used in the treatment of many conditions such as hypertension, and others like peptic ulcer which incidentally is most likely to afflict the man whose blood pressure is chronically high have a major side effect; they cause impotence, the man has difficulties getting an erection, or if he manages to have one ,it is not strong enough for him to achieve penetration or maintain it. Again, he needs an understanding wife to keep his marriage. If she complaints, it gets worse. He is forced to resort to drugs, that willfurther give him stress and the effect is to increase his blood sugar , increase his blood pressure ,death
Whether it is Gyenoid or Truncal obesity, it is bound to affect the heart and the blood vessels, truncal obesity being much more dangerous. Sex on it’s own is a form of exercise . Tolerance and exhaustion after any exercise characterize obesity, particularly when BMI is above 35. Death during sex, worse after a meal and wine is not uncommon in obese men.
Adult onset Asthmatics
Asthma,characterized by difficult,noisy and wheezy breathing is a medical condition that is generally understood to be inherited. It is now believed that it could be acquired as a result of persistent exposure to various allergens . Even early exposure to broad spectrum antibiotics is being increasingly recognized as a risk factor for developing asthma. Because of the similarities in morphology between muscles of the heart and the respiratory tree, adult onset asthma is particularly dangerous as it may actually be coming from a poorly treated or undiagnosed heart condition. An attack can occur any time, but not frequently during sex because the stress response to sex, has a protective effect, but not when the system is over stretched . It will not be out of place to suggest that affected individuals should be smart enough to ensure they have a cup of inhaler or nebulizer close by when necessary Sickle cell disease . Patients with sickle cell disease; the heterozygous AS or homozygous SS have issues with flow properties of blood(haemorheology). Particularly for those with SS, there is a possibility of throwing emboli, and developing stroke. This is not to say that they should avoid sex. There are many AS African males who have four to seven children or more and never suffered any of the crises that take sickle cell patients to Hospital . Moderation is simplythe watch ward.
Sex steroids, morphine, and other pain killers have body building as well as performance enhancing properties, and hence, users are mainly athletes and footballers. What these drugs or preparations also do and which unfortunately is usually untold is that they can kill at any time, mostly while the user is actively performing. Staying away from them is the best decision any young person can make Sex Toys/sex Games/experiments All you need to do is watch the DSTV cable program; “1000 ways to die” and the import of the message will hit you without pain. Sex toys ,games and experiments are designed to make men ,but particularly women express extremes of pleasure. The risk of dying from multiple organ failure as the body is pleasured may be rare but very real. Multiple Partnerscommercial Sex Workers Commercial sex workers can be brothel based, where they do their business out in the open and in certain locations, or non brothel based, where you have to be an ‘area piper’ or belong to know them from other women. What is common to them however is that, they are willing to do any thing anytime, any where and at whatever price. That price may be the death of the young man who wants something new ,strange or different from sex. Those who patronize commercial sex workers often complain that they no longer find their wives or partners of many years sexually appealing. Unfortunately the excitement and peaks of pleasure derivable from the uninhibited sex available from these people come with no emotion whatsoever . They take control of every thing including the capacity of a client to negotiate himself out of danger. Sex in such circumstances clouds judgment and even the strongest of men may become willing to pay more to have extraordinary sex ,even when he knows he might die in the course of it.
Same Sex Partners
For reasons not yet fully understood , individuals in same sex relationships have many issues to contend with . Partner fidelity, disclosure status and peculiar ideations feature prominently in the intuitive perceptions capable of flaring when such individuals are behind closed doors.
Sex Fights
Strangely, some individuals grow up with certain patterns of behavior considered deviant or abnormal depending on the society. Some women become interested in sex or get turned on only after a quarrel or a fight, with a partner, husband or wife. It might be alright for young couples, but for older men, a sudden rise in blood pressure occasioned by a strong argument may rupturethe blood vessels of the brain. Bleeding into the brain may go on silently for some time and then progress to a major blow out like a burst pipe later during sex, and commonly at some time in the night when help is difficult to find.

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