Monday, 1 February 2016

8 Delightful Benefits of Sleeping Naked

8 Delightful Benefits of Sleeping Naked

Most of us wear pajamas to bed and it`s okay because they’re aimed for comfortable sleeping. But years ago I tried to neglect this rule, and still prefer to sleep naked and enjoy many useful benefits of this habit. It lets you stop caring about buying new pajamas and wearing them before you going to sleep. Moreover, sleeping naked helps you sleep better at night and feel refreshed in the morning. There are many more advantages of sleeping naked and here’s why you should do it regularly.

  • Get rid of belly fat
  • When you sleep, the level of stress hormone decreases. Thanks to it you wake up in the morning feeling energetic enough to be the winner today. People who use pajamas don`t let their body fully relax because sleeping dressed isn`t natural and it prevents your from having a healthy sleep. If you don`t get enough sleep, your stress level will be enormously high and you`ll be eager to eat more. Try to sleep naked instead and forget about undesirable belly fat.
  • Get a healthier skin
  • Healthy skin is the one that gets enough fresh air regularly so you should let it breathe freely. Sleeping naked lets your skin get plenty of clean air and it prevents you from meeting dermatologist because of rash, irritation and other skin issues.
  • Increase intimacy
  • If you sleep with your partner, sleeping naked will better your sexual life. Skin to skin contact increases sexual tension. Your significant other will be ready for more even without any touches because men like to look at women`s body and enjoy its natural beauty. It turns them on so you may expect something new from your guy if you forget to wear your pajama. When you touch each other, it helps your bodies release oxytocin – the hormone of love, and boosts the chances of spending an unforgettable night together.
  • Improve your sleep
  • The body`s temperature naturally lowers when we sleep. However, it doesn`t happen so when you wear pajama. The warm body condition leads to a number of sleep disorders including insomnia. Sleeping naked, on the contrary, improves your sleep and your overall health. People who don’t get high quality, uninterrupted sleep each night feel and look unhealthy and live a shorter life. It sounds like a wonderful reason to get into a habit of sleeping naked.
  • It lets your vagina breathe freely
  • Woman`s vagina is a perfect environment for bacteria because it`s always humid and warm. Thanks to sleeping without any clothes, you`ll have a normal vagina flora and won`t catch any fungal infections. Let your tender skin down there breathe freely by sleeping naked each night.
  • It helps you become free
  • Every woman loves freedom. You can`t be fully happy when you can’t do what you want. Sleeping naked gives you freedom you crave. In ancient times people believed that those who slept dressed didn’t see prophetic dreams, which is why women and some men tried to sleep naked, when it was warm enough outside, of course.
  • Improve your blood pressure
  • Any type of underwear and pajama doesn`t let the blood flow freely all over the body. When you sleep naked, your muscles, brain and heart get enough blood inflow with better circulation. You wake up feeling refreshed and renewed, and ready to achieve all your goals easily.
  • Reduce your risk for type 2 diabetes
Feeling colder in the night decreases blood sugar levels, helps you have a better metabolism and prevents type 2 diabetes. Studies show that people who sleet almost naked can improve their health in several weeks only. Not only do you reduce your risk for type 2 diabetes, you also reduce your risk for heart disease and obesity.

I’ve been sleeping naked for a few years now and I really feel that I become healthier and have a better sexual life. I feel more confident and I can definitely say that this habit is worth trying at least once. I wake up and I feel enough energy and a strong desire to get the most out of life. Are you brave enough to start sleeping naked?

From: Womanitely

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