Tuesday 18 April 2017

How often should you really be pooping?

Everybody poops . But the real question is : How frequently should you do it ?

Experts note that a wide range of pooping frequencies is considered totally normal.

• Some adults may have a bowel movement three times a day , while others may have one just three times a week , says a gastroenterologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Dr . Jennifer Inra.

• Your genetics and diet will affect how often you poop.

• Regular exercise can make you poop more regularly, because it increases muscle contractions in your colon , says Inra.

• Stressing out that you ’re pooping too much or too little could actually make things worse, because your brain and your gut are tightly linked by a network of nerves and neurotransmitters . When you ’re anxious , the body directs blood to vital organs like the heart and lungs , and away from your digestive system—which can leave your gut in turmoil, according to the chief of gastroenterology and hepatology and director of the Digestive Health Centre, Augusta University, Dr . Satish Rao . That can lead to either constipation or more frequent bowel movements.

• The only time you should worry about how often you poop is if your habits suddenly change, in either direction . For example , if you have a bowel movement every other day and you suddenly start having three a day, you may want to talk to your doctor , says Inra. Ditto if you ’re having the opposite problem and are abruptly constipated.

• Other reasons to see a doctor , even if your poops stick to their regular schedule: If you see blood , if your stools become narrow and ribbon - like, or you have pain or cramping when you try to poop .

• These symptoms may be due to many causes , including irritable bowel syndrome , celiac disease , inflammatory bowel disease or even colorectal cancer , says Inra.

Source: Punchng

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