Saturday, 29 July 2017

Importance of getting pregnant and steps to get pregnant

Whether you are now 18 or 36 years,
provided you’re below the age of
menopause, it’s important you start
learning how to get pregnant.
In the traditional African society, getting
pregnant is a joy for the mother and family
members. Here are seven questions that will
guide you before pregnancy, and very early
into conception.

A What are the benefits of getting

1. Apart from the joy of being a mother ,
pregnancy can decrease your risk of
an ovarian and endometrial (uterine)
cancer. Every month, your ovaries go
through a process where cells divide
(cell divisions can make you
susceptible to cancer); but during
Pregnancy and time of breastfeeding,
your ovaries get a break.

2. Less painful periods: If you’ve
experienced a bad menstrual cramp
before pregnancy, these symptoms
will subside after giving birth.

3. You may get your first orgasm: A lot
of women before pregnancy may not
have reached the height of sexual
pleasure. During pregnancy, after the
first three months, your body pushes
more blood to the vagina and cervix
making it easy to experience orgasm
for the first time. If you’ve already
been having an orgasm, you will
experience much more.

B. I want to get pregnant, what’s the first
thing to do?

1. Do away with birth control pill: –
Stop your birth control Months Before
You plan to get pregnant. This gives
you bit of time to see and calculate
your menstrual cycle so you can
figure out your ovulation period
(period when you are most fertile)

2. Limit caffeine: Some experts
recommend stopping caffeine entirely,
especially in the first trimester. (as it
has been associated with a
miscarriage early in pregnancy)

3. Set up a fund: – You would have to
start stocking money for baby stuff
eventually. It is necessary to map out
a fund source before thinking of
getting pregnant.

4. Take prenatal supplements: Any
woman thinking of getting pregnant in
the next three months ñ six months
should start taking a daily
multivitamin with 400 micrograms of
folic acid which are packed with other
nutrients for a healthy pregnancy like
iron to prevent anemia and calcium
for strong bones.

5. Pay your doctor a visit: Many experts
recommend booking for a pre-
pregnancy checkup at your ob-gyn at
least three months before conception.
It is essential you get tested/checked
for STDS and heart diseases to be
sure you are out of danger.

C. If I’m Pregnant, what signs will I get?

Most women donít get pregnancy signs until
after their periods are missed and the
hormone increases to level that their body is
not used to.

A few women will get pregnancy symptoms
earlier than five to six weeks of pregnancy.
This is common in women that have already
had a baby with their body are more
sensitive to pregnancy hormones. Also,
these women are more experienced than
first-time moms and can tell a pregnancy
sign very early if they feel one.
On the other hand, if you are just starting
out, your pregnancy symptoms may be weird
as you may easily confuse pregnancy signs.
Signs to look out for during pregnancy are

1. Food aversions: It is not uncommon
to feel repelled by the smell of certain
aromas for those that are newly
pregnant. You may also find that
certain food you used to enjoy
suddenly completely repulsive to you.

2. Mood swings: It is common to have
mood swing during pregnancy, partly
because of hormonal changes that
affect neurotransmitters (chemical
messenger in the brain). Everyone
responds differently to these changes,
so don’t panic.

3. Frequent urination: You will notice
that your bladder gets fill more
quickly due to hormonal changes that
boost blood flow to your kidneys,
therefore, causing you to pee more

4. Fatigue: Feeling extremely tired and
also morning sickness is inevitable
during pregnancy.

5. Sore breasts:†Swollen breast is one
common symptom of pregnancy
caused by rising levels of hormones.
Breast is often times sore and swells
more than that you feel before your

6. Nausea:†For some women, they
experience early nausea and feel very
unwell in the morning.

7. Abdominal bloating: †Due to the
change in hormone in early
pregnancy, you may now feel big
tummy with pain and tightness.

8. Light bleeding or spotting: †If† you
Notice light spotting around the time
your period is due, it could be
implantation bleeding. During the
first trimester, this may be your first
pregnancy sign. So watch out and be
observant.† This Infographic explains

9. High basal body temperature: If you
have been charting your basal body
temperature and you see that your
temperature has stayed elevated for
more than two weeks youíre probably

10. A missed period : If your period
doesnít arrive on time, and goes
missing for weeks, check to confirm if
you are pregnant

11. Back Pain During Pregnancy: If you
now feel mild back cramps with
implantation bleeding, it could be
pregnancy. take a test to confirm.
These symptoms will differ in women. Some
early pregnancy symptoms may show up
around the time youíve missed a period, or
a week or two later. About 60 percent of
women have early pregnancy symptoms by
the time they are 6 weeks, 90 percent have
them by the time they are 8 weeks.

D. Are there any complications in
pregnancy I should expect?

1. Reduced blood flow can show the
growth of the fetus and place the
mother at greater risk of preterm labor

2. Women who have high blood pressure
before they get pregnant will continue
to have a monitor and control it with
medication throughout Pregnancy.

3. Miscarriage: this is the loss of
Pregnancy in the first 20 weeks. They
are believed to be caused by
chromosomal abnormalities in the
fertilized egg that keeps the embryo
from developing.

4. Gestational diabetes: – it is
important for a Pregnant woman to
get glucose screening between 24 and
28 weeks. This diabetes can have
serious consequence on the baby. For
mothers with gestational diabetes,
there are chances of developing type
2 diabetes in the future though this
risk can be significantly reduced by
maintaining a healthy weight and

5. Ectopic Pregnancy: – when a
fertilized egg implant outside the
uterus, itís an ectopic Pregnancy.
They are often called tubal Pregnancy
because the vast majority of the
ectopic Pregnancy occurs in a
fallopian tube. It is important to
catch this type of Pregnancy early
because the growing embryo could
rupture your fallopian tube and cause
internal bleeding.

E. How soon can I tell if I’m pregnant?

Don’t panic if you are not testing positive
when you get symptoms that are strange. It
takes some time for some women to even
start having symptoms. Generally, by 8
weeks most women will already know they
are pregnant.

Then again, symptoms could appear early in
some women, even before missing their

F. Is it possible to ovulate while I’m

No. You can not ovulate while you are
pregnant. Ovulation is an act of your body
releasing an egg. During the menstrual
cycle, your period stops because you need
that uterine lining to provide a good
environment for your baby.

G. Will I get my usual period during

You canít have your menstrual period while
youíre pregnant. Some women do have
vaginal bleeding during pregnancy that
seems like regular period to them.

If you are pregnant and have bleeding don’t
hesitate to inform your doctor.

Source: vanguardngr

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