Friday, 15 September 2017

Chef threatens to poison Trump

Anthony Bourdain: Chef who jokingly said
he will poison Trump

Anthony Bourdain, host of “Parts Unknown”
on liberal CNN, has said that he would
poison U.S. President Donald Trump if he
was asked to cater a peace summit between
the President and Kim Jong Un.
Bourdain, a celebrity chef said he would
serve Trump “Hemlock,” when he was asked
by TMZ what he would serve the U.S.
president and the North Korean dictator.

Hemlock is a poisonous plant that has been
used as a method of execution. The video
was published by TMZ last week, but is just
now gaining attention.

When reached by Fox News, Bourdain,
apparently joking, said that he meant to say
“kale” instead of hemlock.
CNN recently fired Kathy Griffin for posing
with a bloody head made to look like
Trump. The liberal network also cut ties with
“Believer” host Reza Aslan after his anti-
Trump rhetoric on Twitter was widely

It’s unclear if Bourdain would suffer any
consequences for his rhetoric, but it’s worth
noting that “Parts Unknown” is significantly
more popular than programs hosted by
Griffin and Aslan.
This isn’t the first time the “Parts Unknown”
host has spoken negatively about Trump.
Bourdain, who famously dined with
President Obama on an episode of “Parts
Unknown,” told TheWrap last year that he
wouldn’t eat with then-candidate Trump if
given the chance.
“I’ve been a New Yorker most of my life; I
would give the same answer that I would
have given 10 years ago, when he was just
as loathsome.”

Bourdain’s “Parts Unknown” is a CNN
original series in which the celebrity chef
travels the world to showcase food and
He also told TMZ that he wouldn’t be
interested in filming an episode in North
Korea because “most of the population are
As for Bourdain’s thoughts on Kim Jong Un,
the CNN star called him a “chubby.”
CNN did not immediately respond to Fox
News’ request for comment.

Source: vanguardngr

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