Thursday, 21 September 2017

Panic as Iran ready to launch “Father of All Bombs”

Misile (bomb)

Father of all bombs’’, the new Iran’s
powerful and deadly arsenal, is causing
panic in the Gulf states and Israel.
But Russian military expert Vladimir Korovin
expressed doubt that Iran would use the
10-ton conventional aviation bomb against
the U.S.

The creation of the 10-ton non-nuclear
aviation bomb, has sent a strong signal to
Israel and Tehran’s other potential
adversaries in the Middle Eastern region.
Korovin, an expert at the Moscow State
Institute of International Relations’ Center
for Military and Political Studies, said that
Israel was deeply worried about the fact that
Iran is edging closer to its border in Syria.
Although Iran was not going to use the
bomb against the United States, but Israel,
Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and
Bahrain are the main addressees of
Tehran’s “message,” according to Korovin.

Reports cited a top Iranian Islamic
Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) commander,
Ali Hajizadeh, that Tehran had developed a
massive non-nuclear munition comparable
to the US’s GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air
Blast (MOAB) also known as the “Mother of
All Bombs.”
Describing the new bomb, Hajizadeh
specified that it could be launched from
“Ilyushin aircraft” and dubbed it “the father
of all bombs” in a reference to America’s
most powerful conventional ordnance.

Commenting on Hajizadeh’s statement,
Korovin pointed out that given the heavy
load of the bomb it is most likely the Iranian
top military commander referred to the
modernized Ilyushin Il-76 (NATO reporting
name: Candid) — a multi-purpose four-
engine turbofan strategic airlifter, produced
either in the USSR or the Russian

However, according to the expert, the
possibility that the Iranian 10-ton munition
will be used in real combat is doubtful, since
the modified Il-76 bomber carrying the
“father of all bombs” must be accompanied
by jet fighters, and remain at a certain
altitude flying to the target in the absence of
fire resistance from the ground.
“Therefore — it’s just a demonstration of
Iran’s capabilities,” Korovin noted.

Source: vanguardngr

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