Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Important Health Benefits of Guava Leaves

Important health benefits of guava leaves

Guava leaves are actually full of many different health benefits and people aren’t aware of that. They contain high levels of vitamins A and C, potassium, healthy fiber and lycopene.

Some of the amazing health benefits that guava leaves offer:

Brain Health

The vitamins B6 (pyridoxine) and B3 ( niacin) in guava leaves helps in improving blood circulation to the brain, stimulating cognitive function and relaxing the nerves. 

Boost Immunity

Guava leaves' tea helps in boosting the immune systems and reduce the risk of many diseases. 

Pain Reducer

The quercetin content of guava leaf makes it effective in reducing pain and eliminating infections.

Menstrual Problems

Guava leaves tea is good for cloth menses, painful menstruation and insufficient menstrual flow. 

Keeps Skin Younger

The regular intake of guava tea rejuvenate and keeps skin younger and firm due to its strong antioxidant effect against free radicals that are the main cause of ageing. Crush a few leaves, add little water and use as a body scrub regularly and you will be shocked with the amazing results.

Eye sight

Guava leaf improves eyesight due to its high content in vitamin A. 

Improves Quality Sleep

Guava leaves tea calms the nerves and quietens the mind, making it easier to fall asleep.

Fights Allergy

Guava leaves contain quercetin which is an antihistamine and anti-inflammatory which inhibits the development of allergies such as food allergy, skin reactions and asthma.  

High cholesterol

Guava leaf tea works against bad fats in the system. It reduces LDC and Triglycerides without side effects.

 Bronchitis , Coughs / Colds

Guava leaf tea will help you against
 bronchitis and coughs because of its high content of vitamin C and Iron (Fe). It gets rid of mucus. Better when taken with pure honey.

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