Tuesday, 12 May 2020

The Forgotten Health Benefits of Bitter Leaf (Vernonia amygdalina)

The forgotten health benefits of bitter leaf (vernonia amygdalina )

Vernonia amygdalina belongs to the family of Astaraceae is a medicinal herb usually known as bitter leaf. This plant is indigenous to tropical Africa and has enormous medicinal uses and is referred to as a gold mine by many African communities. 
Bitter leaf is rich in vitamins, proteins and minerals. As a result of nutrients especially ß-carotene it contains, it controls the synthesis of female sex hormones. This enables women to stay young and healthy for longer duration of time. Fungal infections can be treated with wood ash of Bitter leaf .

Below are many health benefits of bitter leaf and its applications:

Bitter leaf for Skin Diseases

The juice from bitter leaf should be squeezed out and applied on the effected area. Apply this juice two times a day.

Bitter Leaf for Stomach Problems

The juice should be extracted from the Bitter leaves and mixed with small quantity of water. Consume it two times a day.

Bitter Leaf for Cough

The Bitter leaves should be chewed before going to bed at night. This Procedure should be repeated for 3 days to get cure from cough.

Bitter Leaf for Itching

Bitter leaf leaves should be boiled or squeezed and then mixed with water. Drink this liquid two times a day.

Bitter Leaf for Fatigue

The juice of Bitter Leaf should be prepared . Add a pinch of salt to 3 tablespoons of the undiluted juice. Drinking this juice will bring instant energy in the body.
Or :
Drink a glass of Bitter Leaf juice a day to combats Fatigue.

Bitter Leaf for Cancer

Prepare the juice of Bitter leaves and mix it with water. Drink daily four time a day.

Bitter Leaf for Fever

Consume a glass of the extracted Bitter Leaf juice three times a day to reduce fever.

Bitter Leaf for Diabetes

Extract the juice of the bitter leaf. Drink it two times a day to lower the raised blood sugar levels.

The forgotten health benefits of bitter leaf ( vernonia amygdalina )

Bitter Leaf for Eczema

The extracted juice of Bitter Leaf should be applied over the affected area to treat Eczema.

Bitter Leaf for Skin Rashes

The juice from Bitter Leaf should be prepared and apply this juice as a paste on your skin to reduce Skin Rashes.

Bitter Leaf for Ringworm

The juice from the Bitter leaf should be squeezed out and then apply a thin layer of this juice on your affected area. Repeat it once a day.

Bitter Leaf for Ascaris

The washed roots and stems of Bitter Leaf should be boiled in 250 ml of water. Strain it off and drink this infusion on an empty stomach to expel out the worms.

Bitter Leaf for Malaria

Some fresh Bitter leaves should be boiled in 100 ml of water for 5 to 10 minutes. Strain it off and drink this decoction daily to get rid of Malaria.

Bitter Leaf for Menopause

Extract the juice from some bitter leaves. Add 1 to 2 tablespoons of Honey for taste then drink this juice every morning to relieve Menopause symptoms.

Bitter Leaf for Gingivitis

Some fresh Bitter leaves should be chewed to get rid of Gingivitis.

Bitter Leaf for Wounds

Squeeze out the juice from 5 to 6 Bitter leaves and drop it over the bleeding area. It stops the bleeding and heals Wounds completely.

Caution: Do not use bitter leaf during pregnancy.

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