Sunday 23 April 2017

Stand by your man suffering from depression

It’s really been a very emotional week after last week’ s article on depression, the texts and messages have just been very disheartening and believe it or not , there are more men struggling with depression in Nigeria today than women . Most men do not recognise the symptoms of depression, either due to self denial or self- esteem until it becomes more severe which makes it more difficult for the spouse to manage.

Depression is very complicated and it has the capacity to confuse and frustrate you as you try to provide the necessary support to your spouse suffering from this ailment . In fact , it is extremely difficult to watch your spouse go through the pains and not open up his feelings to you .

Knowledge is power

One of the best ways you can help your spouse to fight depression is when you truly understand the illness yourself, the different types of depression and the various stages at which a victim endures or battles the disorder. It is only when you have a deep knowledge of the illness that you can properly care for your spouse.
You will also be prepared to help him through this life major crisis because you will often see strengths rather than weaknesses regardless of the level of difficulty your spouse may be facing.

Be compassionate

Depression is a humiliating condition for most of its victims and that is why the sufferers often feel withdrawn. Your spouse’s withdrawal behaviour will often make it difficult for him to cooperate with you . Depression is unpredictable and your spouse will have his good and extremely bad days but nevertheless; do not desert him, rather show empathy and compassion too .

Reassurance heals

The road to the end of depression can be very slow especially if your spouse is refusing to get help willingly, it can be very discouraging and frustrating for you . This is a great time to offer him your unconditional love and continue to say positive things to him. During the treatment period , keep on reassuring him that you are on the journey together and you cannot wait for him to make a full recovery . Words are powerful and positive words spoken will go a long way to help your spouse recover from his illness quicker .

Curtail it

Your children can be badly affected by your spouse’s illness if you do not explain the situation to them and also guide them through on how they can make their father feel better about his condition . Most importantly as the sufferer ’s spouse and care giver , you must take care of yourself and your own needs too ; you must also ensure that you and the children maintain a good physical and emotionally balanced health so that you can be mentally stable to support your spouse.

Source: punchng

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