Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Important Health Benefits of Orange Peels

Important Health Benefits of Orange Peels

Oranges are one of the most popular fruits in the US and most part
of African, but the orange peel is a different deal altogether. Did you
know that the peel is the healthiest part of the entire fruit?
Surprising, isn’t it? In case you are wondering what to do with
leftover orange peels, there is more for you. Keep reading.

Orange Acne

Orange Peel contains Vitamin C. This nutrient helps to keep the Skin
oil free and absorbs excess Oil from the Skin. Orange Peel helps to
fight harmful bacteria causing Acne.
Put 3 to 4 small pieces of Orange Peel in a bowl. Add a glass of
warm water in it. Leave it overnight. Use its water to wash your face
in the next morning. Repeat this daily for a week.
OR :
Cut the Orange Peels into thin slices. Dry them under the sunlight
for 3 to 4 days, until they become hard and dry. Grind the peels into
powder. Mix 2 to 3 teaspoons of this powder with rosewater and
make a paste. Apply this paste onto the skin.
Leave it for 10 to 15 minutes. Wash off. Do this 3 to 4 times a

Orange Peel for Coryza

Take 1 tablespoon of dried orange peel. Boil it in water till it is
reduced to half. Drink it sip by sip. Take this tea two times in a day.
It opens the clogged bronchi and treats Coryza.

As a Mosquito Repellants

If you are looking for a natural way to repemosquitos, take fresh
orange peels and rub them all over your skin. The citrus smell will
repel the mosquitos.

As a Slug Repellant

If you have a slug problem in your garden, try spreading some
orange peels on top of the soil to keep them at bay.

Ant Repellant

Place orange peels in problem areas of your house where you
usually experience an ant problem. Orange oil can also be used
instead of peels.

It can Keep Cats Away

If you want to keep stray cats away from your home, place orange
peels outside. If you have a cat at home that tends to get into
things it shouldn't, you can rub the peels or place them (or rub
orange oil) near the dear things in your home.

Gets Rid of a Hangover

If you overdid it last night, you can ease today's struggle by mixing
salt and orange peel in some boiling water for around 20 minutes.
Once it cools, you should drink the whole concoction to help
reduce the effects of your hangover.

Hair Care

Add crushed orange peel to some water and leave it there
overnight. From the following day, you'll be able to add this mixture
to your hair to help rid yourself of dandruff , while cleaning and
conditioning your hair at the same time.

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